
16, Male Student ID: 248IIGKAZ011JYM

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Football (Soccer)
Table Tennis
LETTER FROM Assylanbek


Dear future host family,

I would like to start by saying thank you and expressing my respect for you. Because hosting an exchange student is a huge responsibility.

My name is Assylanbek, I am 15 years old now, I grown up and live in Kazakhstan. My friends call me Asik or Ayutai (Asik is a short and sweet version of my name, Ayutai in my native language means bear cub.) Currently, I am a student at schools’ gymnasiums #3. By now, I am going through 10th grade. I am amiable and cheerful, at the same time, I am responsible and serious person. If someone asks who’s the most motivated person? It’s me, rest assured if I have goals, I compulsory achieve them, employing all possible ways. I am not afraid of new challenges and adventures, because I am confident that I can handle anything. Also, I am sporty man, I have done lots of sports, such as box, table tennis, football, basketball, athletics, and now I got into volleyball. Honestly, I used to hate basketball without reason, but my opinion had changed, when for the first time I have seen an NBA game. So, now I like basketball, sometimes I play street basketball with my old friends.

Volleyball is my passion. Why I choose volleyball? Is a question that I usually heard and it’s no surprise. Actually, I’m not tall and people frequently wondered when they see me in match. It is important to note that, I have started playing volleyball in the 6th grade, volleyball seemed to be the most interesting sport I have ever seen. For four years, I have trained hard and put discipline on the first place. During this time, I realized the importance of self-development, discipline, responsibility and most importantly the support of loved ones. In my opinion sport is not only physical activity, but also a real school of life. It builds character and helps to develop important qualities necessary for success in any field of activity.

Sport is not my only hobby. I have many types of hobbies. For example, I can spend all my weekends watching anime, movies or TV series. I like the atmosphere of watching, I mean, lying in a cozy, warm bed, eating chips with coke and sometimes admire the view from the window. Also, I can watch movies with friends, go to the cinema for the premiere of a new movie, or gather at someone’s house and there to watch, and after the movie for hours to discuss actors and plot. Music, honestly, I am not music man. But I like to turn on karaoke on weeknights and sing for hours. My favorite artists are Shiloh dynasty, the Weekend, Skriptonit, Jah Khalib.

I hope my letter helped you a little to understand what kind of person I am. There is so much to say that I cannot write in the provided space in the application. I hope to be an excellent student and a good guest in your home.



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