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16, Female Student ID: 248TLTESP038JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Band and Orchestra
Choir or Singing
Community Service


Dear host family,
First of all I really appreciate that you’re willing to read my letter. My name is Astrid, and I hope you get to know me a little bit better after reading this.
I love to spend time with my family, and have fun with them. I especially like to watch films with my father, he makes a simple joke become hilarious. On the other hand my mother is really good at giving advice, so when it comes to shopping she really knows me, and what to get. My brother is a chess player, so in our free time together we play some games. I also have two pets, a cat and a bird. It’s really entertaining to pet my cat and see how both of them interact with each other.
I consider myself a sensible person, I love to spend my time enjoying the little moments, especially with other people. I like to share my ideas and discuss them, considering other points of view. I’m hard working, and sometimes I tend to be too perfectionist. That’s why I like to listen to other opinions, that way I can realize when I’m doing good, and I shouldn’t overstress myself.
I’ve always loved to do several activities. When I was a baby I started swimming, I swam until I was eleven, also I started ballet at the age of nine. Apart from ballet I have been playing the violin in a chamber orchestra since four years ago. Last year I studied Japanese and this year I’m studying English. Apart from that I consider myself a bookworm, reading is my passion. Drawing is another thing I found really interesting, when I’m inspired I end up with really good drawings.
I feel like this experience is going to be unforgettable, the only thing I expect is to learn and discover new things. Thank you for taking your time reading this, I can’t wait to get there with you and enjoy it to the fullest!
Thank you for your consideration,
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