Flag of France


17, Female Student ID: 248JEVFRA013JYF France

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Running or Jogging
Skiing or Snowboarding
LETTER FROM Charlie-Rose



My name is Charlie-Rose, I am 16 years old, and I am a French girl who lives in a middle Frenchie city, the champagne region in the East side of France at 150km from Paris.

I live with my dad Frederic, my mom Virginie and my older sister Marylou and frequently see my grandmother. My father is a sale director, and my mother is a designer, and my sister is in 12th grade.

I have one dog named Lila and one cat named Moustache.

I am easy going, I am ready to discover new things and I adapt myself in any situation. I am social, I love spending time with friends and my family; When I am meeting people, they always tell me that I am open-minded and funny. I am well organized; I take care of the way my room is cleaned, and things are in the good space.

I have a special hobby. I’ve been practicing fencing for 8 years. Fencing is my safe place, when I get on the ring and put on my mask, I am a different person, I play like Aramis, Porthos, Athos and d’Artagnan.

I spend 7 hours of fencing per week, I train a lot to become better and better and win other competitions. Last year, with my team we won the French team Championships in the under 15 years old category.

This year, before leaving for the United States, I start 2023-2024 season with the 37th place in the national ranking. It is already good, but I am going to work to become better.

I like to move and take care of my health; I don’t like to stay at home and doing nothing. So, in addition of fencing I practice other sports: Ski, hike, surf, beach volley, running. I am excited to discover new sport or activities that I can learn and practice.

At school my favorites subjects are usually Math, Physics, English, and Biology. I love English because I can speak and argue in another language, and I started studying English with an American lady from New York since I was 6 and she came every Saturday morning to teach us English by sharing her life she had in US.

I’m pretty good at science subjects, because I like when things are logic and methodical, which is why those are the subjects I prefer.

During the weekend I hang out with my friends in the city or in each other’s houses, we are always having a good time and having memories together. Sometimes the weather is bad, so we go to the laser game and bowling.

When I am at home, I usually spend my time doing my homework, watching films, reading.

I love traveling, I have visited lots of different countries in Europe (Spain, Italy, Germany, Irland, England, Greece) and we went to Mexico.

My sister already did an exchange year in Michigan, and we joined her at the end of the school year to celebrate her graduation, I really like the Michigan region, the lake, the small shopping towns… But for my exchange year, I choose California and I’m excited to discover this amazing state! For example, San Francisco, Sequoia National Park, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, Death Valley, Los Angeles !!! and many other places…

My parents travel a lot for their work, and they bring us, my sister and I for their business trip. During their business meeting, my sister and I usually go visiting the city where we are. I really enjoy the moment I spend with her because we are independent, and our parents trust us so we’re having fun together! Sometimes, I like to have my own free time.

Usually at home I help my parents to set the table, cleaning the house, the dishes, do the laundry, preparing the meal. I love cooking healthy food, and I can’t wait to make you discover the French gastronomy… Cleaning tasks of the house must be accomplished by everyone in the house. So, when I’ll be with my host family, I will keep this habit.

What I count to bring to my host family it’s my happiness. I can show you how to make crêpes too!

I do this trip for learning more about the world, meeting new people and culture and discovering a new type of life. At the end of this trip, I hope that I will be bilingual! Having the wider vision of the world and having beautiful memories that I can tell later.

Thank you! Bye bye!


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