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15, Male Student ID: 248SIGDEU069JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Computers or Technology
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Playing Cards
Skiing or Snowboarding
Video Games


Dear future host family,

My name is Finn Lukas (but everybody calls me just Finn) and I am 16 years old since October. I was in the last years twice in the United States (East and West Coast) and was totally impressed by the American way of life. That´s why I now would like to go to the United States for 1 year and learn more about the culture, but also want to experience the American High School. In this year I also want to show you (as my future host family) different aspects from the German Culture. I hope to find close friends and of course a marvelous host family to which I would love to stay connected with even when I am back in Germany. I´m interested in improving my English language skills. I like to see new things and to meet new people and make new friends.

I have lived in a small town 60km north from Frankfurt since I was born. Here I live together with my mother Michaela, my father Markus and our Dog Alisma (Golden retriever). My mother works as a company doctor and advises companies and their employees on health and safety issues. My father studied electrical engineering and is responsible for quality, project management and purchasing in the home automation division of a huge company.

Together with my family, I have traveled to many different countries and got to know the different cultures there. However, I was most fascinated by the two round trips through the USA. In 2019 we were on the West Coast and this year we were on the East Coast (from Washington to Maine). This year it was also very important to me to experience a typical American sport live and so we went to see baseball in Boston at Fenway Park. It was a fantastic atmosphere, especially since Boston won. In addition to the big cities, we also visited a lot of rural areas and got to know the country and its people. This cemented my decision that I really wanted to get to know the USA better.

I am now in the 10th grade and my favorite subjects are politics, sports and math. I believe that our school system is very different from the American school system and I am very interested in getting to know yours better.

I am very sporty and most of my hobbies have to do with sport. In winter I like to ski or snowboard and this year I started gliding. In my free time I like to play on the computer, but most of all I like to learn everything about aviation because I want to become an airline pilot. Furthermore I go planespotting from time to time. Last summer I was also able to learn on a large lake in Germany how to drive motorboat. I have been playing handball since I was 5 years old and currently have training 2-3 times a week and a game at the weekend. That’s why I don’t play the guitar and keyboard as actively as I used to. It would also be really nice if I could learn a typical American sport or do something new in the US. I like to spend my free time with my friends and enjoy going to the nearby city, going to the movies or playing games with them. I also watch movies or series on Netflix from time to time. Lately I’ve been watching more and more movies in English to get into the language better.

I am a family person and because of this, I think it would be nice to have a larger family. I am trustworthy, reliable, goal-oriented and open to new things. Furthermore I love animals, which is why I enjoy to interact with them. From time to time I have to retreat to relax.

I am really looking forward to my year in the USA and especially to getting to know you as my future host family.

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