Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SYGDEU001JSF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Family Activities
Horseback Riding


Dear host parents,

My name is Frida, and I am sixteen years old. I live in a German city and visit the tenth grade at a German high school. In my free time I love to do things with my friends like going out for coffee our just meeting and chilling together. I have a very big friend group and I love to be under persons. I personally would say I am a very open girl who loves to socialize with others. I also love to spend time with my family made out of my mother my father and my eighteen years old sister. I have a very good relationship to all of them, and we as a family like to play games together or watch movies on the weekends. My father and I also share the same interest in sports, which we love to watch and to do. I would say I am often in a good mood and as I said I love to be around people. But sometimes I also find almost everyone annoying, but I mean who doesn’t have bad days. I would say my weakness is that I always want to help people or do everything for school and then I kind of forget myself and at the end of the day I am just tired and haven’t done everything I wanted to. I also feel very responsible for everyone around me, and I am always a good listener. I would say that is also one of my strengths.

As I said before, I love to do sports. I am part of the local field hockey team and I love it. I am playing since I am seven years old, so almost ten years. I also am the coach of two junior teams. Which is very fun. My team and I are for the first time this season in the second German league and currently on the fourth place. I love my team and generally team sports, so I am hoping to be able to play in a team during my exchange year. But I would also love to try new things. What I also love to do in my free time is cooking and baking. I love to spend time in the kitchen with others or alone. For me, cooking is calming. My favorite food is anything Italian, which is also my favorite country I’ve ever visited. My family and I prefer to send our summer holidays in the sun, mostly in France or Italy. We spend almost the whole day at the beach or visiting little cities. I would say typical for our family is our Christmas. We always celebrate with my aunt and uncle, and we eat raclette every time. I love our Christmas because it is cozy and calm. Another family tradition we have is my sister and my birthday. My mother likes to sew, so she always gifts us some piece of clothing with our age number on. These year I got a hoodie.

I am hoping to learn about a new culture and the differences between Germany and the USA. I am also looking forward to gain meet new friends and a new family. Furthermore, I would love to show you guys German traditions, and I am hoping to learn new from you. Not only that, but I would love to celebrate traditions we don’t have in Germany, and I am looking forward to learning a new language. Since I am little, I want to travel the world and meet new people and learn about the differences in other nations. I think an exchange year is the best opportunity for that.

I am looking forward to meeting you


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