Flag of Germany

Jan Matti

16, Male Student ID: 248SIGDEU068JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Skiing or Snowboarding

Jan Matti

Hey there!

My name is Matti and I am 15 years old. I am coming from Germany and decided to do a gap year next year. I live in the northern part of Germany, close to Hamburg, which is the second largest town in Germany. It’s located close to the North and Baltic Sea and also features a big harbour.

Together with my family, which consists out of my parents Antje and Kai and my older brother Tim, I live in a small town called Buchholz, which lays really close to Hamburg. My mother is 47 years old and my dad 52. My brother just started studying business economics at the age of 20. I really like and enjoy to spend time with my family. We’re always nice to each other and never have an argument or something. We very often sit together in the evening at the dinner table and talk about the things that happened through the day or maybe are going to happen in the next few das. It’s always really nice!

I am going to a relatively big high school in Buchholz with about 1200 students. I have a lot of friends and nice classmates there! My favourite subjects in school are definitely sports and English, but I also like Biology or History.

After school I really enjoy to spend time with my friends doing sports or just hanging out a little bit. That’s also always really nice!

I do also have really nice hobbies. I play tennis now for about 9 years and really love that sport. It’s always a lot of fun! Funny side fact, my trainer comes from the US.

I bet my other hobby is really special and not everyone has it. I’m doing my glider pilot license at the moment. So on the weekends you can usually find me at the airfield sitting in a small glider. I love aviation and everything about it and my dream is to become an airline pilot one day. So doing my glider pilots license is already a big step to achieve that dream one day! I’ve almost finished the flight training and I will get my very own pilots license when I turn 16 this winter. I’m really looking forward to that!

I also really like Musik and enjoy listening to it.

And now a little bit about my self and personality:

I’m a really open and interested person. I really like to try new things and see new city’s and countries! Getting to know new cultures is also a big passion of mine!

So I am really looking forward to my stay next year and would love to see how it’s like to live in the US!

Thank you very much in advance and yeah maybe until next year!

All the best, Matti

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