Flag of France


16, Male Student ID: 248JEVFRA005JYM France

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Football (Soccer)
Skiing or Snowboarding
Video Games


Dear host family,
My name is Louis and I’m writing to you to introduce myself.
First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter and to consider welcoming me in your family. Staying in the United States for ten months is the most important decision I have ever taken in my life. My father who has travelled a few times to the US told me that your country is fantastic and that American people are very dynamic and optimistic. So, thank you very much for having a look at my application because I would very much like to meet your family and discover your country, your place and your way of life.
I must tell you that my father helped me writing this letter.
I will be 16 years old in August 2024 when I would start my stay in your family. I am from Southwest of France and I live with my mother Magali, my father Thibaut, my brother Arthur and our 9 years old cat Jivago.
My mother and my father are both vignerons (wine producers) in Southwest of France and they also have a restaurant there. My brother is 18 and he is in boarding school. We all live in a house in the city for 4 years now. Before, my family was living for 15 years in the middle of the vineyards managed by my parents. At that time, we had a dog called Volga there and 2 fishes.
My parents decided to move to the city for us to get to better high school and to facilitate part of their job. My father is driving most of the days to the vineyards to manage the winery but he also has to travel a lot in France and abroad to sell the wine or to organize promotional tastings for professionals or consumers. Moreover, he has a lot of professional meetings in the city. My mother is more on the communication and marketing side of the company. She manages the communication and wine tours team. She works a lot from home where she has a better Web connexion. She also has professional meetings. These are the reasons why we moved to the city.
I love to play sports. I played tennis, judo and soccer when I was younger and I now play basketball. I also like skiing very much as I spent at least 5/6 weeks per year in The Alps since I was born.
You might have understood that I am very active and dynamic. People say that I am interested in lot of things, that I am always happy to help and that I am concerned about what I’m doing or about other people. On another hand, I can be sometimes a bit shy but I am very opened to meeting new people or cultures. Finally, my parents think that I can be very consistent and that I always try to do my best.
I can share this opinion about me and these last years I believe I started to get more mature. Especially after having spent 2 weeks in Malta in an English school in July 2022. It was the first time I was travelling alone without my parents. There I was living in a hotel with people of my age or older. In the morning, we had English lessons for 3 hours followed by activities in the afternoon like sports or tours of the islands. In the nights we had games on the beach. In Malta, I learned to manage my teenage life considering different people, rules and environments.
It was not the first time I was travelling abroad. I visited Cancun during summer 2021, Greece 4 times with my grandfather, London with my parents, Dominican Republic during summer 2022 and Bali this summer 2023. This travel experiences allowed me to understand that I am interested in meeting new people and discovering new countries or cultures. To achieve these purposes, I believe that it is very important to speak English fluently.
Then, I have to say that I love to travel like this and that I want to go on as much as possible when I am still young and free of job. Finally, I love my parents but I also like to be without them. I feel I can be even more open minded and discover more funny things travelling alone.
This is the reason why as soon as I heard about these programs, I told myself that it could be fantastic to go to United States. I have never been there yet and it is a long time we speak about going to your country with my family. But we never had the chance to. United States is a dream for me because it is one of the greatest and biggest country in the world. I know that it will not be possible for me to see all the country during my stay but I can not wait to live in your country. The country of NBA, of most of the greatest players in any sports, of the best burgers… But most of all United States is the country I always heard about and dreamt of because it is the number one country in the world and many things in my life are from your country : movies, music, new technologies… And every day, I hear about United States, about what the country is doing in the World and I find it fascinating and exiting.
I know that after my stay you will have a very special place in my life for ever.
We are going to live together for 10 months and I know this will be crucial for me. So, I really look forward to meeting your family.
Best regards,
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