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16, Female Student ID: 248SVIITA063JYF Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



This is the first time someone has asked me to describe myself with the goal of somehow talking about myself. As soon as I started writing, I immediately found it challenging. Perhaps the wisest thing to say is that I am a 16 years old teenager, I am an only child, living with my parents, my dog, and maybe because I don’t have siblings, whenever I can, I surround myself with friends and often fantasize about how nice it would be to have a brother or sister.

I am a sociable, sincere, sporty girl, but I sleep a lot. I love dancing; I’ve been attending a dance school since I was 4 and currently go to a dance high school. My favorite dancer is Carla Fracci, and I aspire to turn my passion into a career, just like her. My dream is to travel the world, exploring new places and diverse cultures. That’s why I’m thrilled at the prospect of being able to, thanks to this year of studying abroad, experience at least a small part of America. I really enjoy taking photos because I like preserving memories that I can look back on over time. I put effort into my studies, but often, when I have exams or tests, I get a bit anxious, fearing I won’t achieve the desired result.

To help me write this presentation, I asked the people closest to me to tell me something about myself, and the result was that: my mom describes me as complainy, but you know how moms always say their kids complain; my dad says I’m messy, but what he calls mess is just the phase before I get dressed, I’m always a bit indecisive, so I pull out more clothes to decide what to wear, but then everything goes back to its proper place because I love my clothes, and fashion is another one of my passions perhaps because I live in Milan, the city of fashion par excellence; my grandmother calls me chatty, and indeed, I enjoy talking to everyone, a trait I’ve had since I was little, although in the early morning, I’d prefer if no one spoke to me; according to my uncle, I’m a real funny person; indeed, we have great laughs together, teasing each other playfully; as for my aunt, she thinks I’m intelligent, probably more than I believe myself.

If I were to list my flaws, being a sensitive girl, sometimes when I get upset about something, I tend to tear up, not excessively, just a cry without desperation, a way to release tension. I am excessively self-critical and have low self-esteem.

In conclusion, I am simply a young girl who loves to think that one day I will contribute, even in a small way, to making the world better, to do that, I must also get to know the world. Therefore, my journey to discover the world begins with this study abroad experience, during which I will strive to leave a good memory in the host family.

I can’t wait to meet you!

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