Flag of Italy


16, Male Student ID: 248ISVITA005JYM Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



To my future host family,

my name is Niccolò and I am writing this letter to introduce myself and give you the opportunity to know me better.

I am a 16 years old boy and I live in Italy with my family, made up of my dad Giuseppe, an Italian Air Force officer, my mum Germana, who is a tennis instructor, my sister Emma and my two cats Ulisse and Nikita. I attend a big school, and my favorite subjects are Maths and Physics.

In my spare time my main hobby is Tennis: this passion comes from my mum, who used to be a tennis player when she was a young teen ager. I play tennis every day from Monday to Friday, and sometimes I even train on weekends! I play for a small club, where I have met some of my closest friends, even if I moved there only one and a half years ago! Another big interest of mine is the car’s world: contrariwise from Tennis, my Dad shared with me this passion, as when he was my age he was a Kart driver, also competing against F1 pilots such as Trulli and Fisichella. In fact, Because of my love for Maths, Physics and Cars, I would love to study engineering after High school.

Talking about my personality, I am a very funny guy who always makes other people laugh. Anyways, when I have to do something such as reaching a goal or finish an activity or a project, I become very determinated and concentrated, and I always do my best to accomplish that thing. Another positive feature of mine is that I can optimize time very well: I think this characteristic came from practising a sport at a pretty high level, which made me able to stay more concentrated in class and to create a study organizational methodology that works well.

Last but not least, I want to let you know the main reasons why I decided to partecipate to this project and to come to the USA for around one year. At first, I am very fascinated by the English language, and I obviously found its knowledge essential in nowdays world. So, I would love to improve my speaking ability by being always in contact with mother-tongues speakers as you. The other important motivation is that I want to experience a lyfestyle that is completely different from the italian one, in order to make myself more open-minded.

I hope you will find attractive my perspective on this new experience and you will have an enjoyable time reading this letter.

Hoping to see you soon!!

Best Regards,


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