Flag of Italy


16, Male Student ID: 248SVIITA033JYM Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Computers or Technology
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Playing Cards
Skiing or Snowboarding
Visiting Museums


Dear American family,

my name is Pierpaolo, I am 16 years old and I was born in Italy.

I live with my parents and two younger sisters, Tea, 13 years old and Livia,9 years old. We also have a cat named Kurama.

As my parents both work we spend the evenings together during the week and we normally stay at home. During the weekends we often go to the city center or, in winter, we go to the mountains to ski. As a family we do not have any particular tradition but we celebrate Christmas and Easter all together also with my grandparents.

I live near the center and only 15 minutes from school by bus.

I attend a “liceo scientifico”: it is a high school where we study especially maths,science,physics and technology. I do not have a favorite subject but I like to study math and history.

On my typical day I wake up at 6:30/7 am, I have breakfast with my sisters and I go to school by bus, lessons start at 8 o’clock till 2/3pm and we have two breaks at 10 am and at 12 am. At the end of the lessons I come home and I have lunch. In the afternoon I do my homeworks and I study for written or oral tests. In the late afternoon, three times a week I go to volleyball training with my friends.

After the training I come back home and I have dinner with my family. Later I watch a film or a tv series with my sister or my father. Normally I go to sleep at around 10.30/11 pm.

I eat all kinds of foods but I particularly like pizza and lasagna.

During the weekends or when I do not have to study I like to go out with my friends, we go to the city center, we go to the disco or at someone’s house. Sometimes I do not want to go out so I stay home and watch tv series . At the moment I’m watching “Game of thrones” and I like it.

I also like listening to music. The music I like most is Italian rap but also American pop or rap.

I think I’m friendly but it takes a while to trust other people, when I get close I joke and laugh a lot. Of course I have some flaws such as being a bit touchy, just because I’m a very affectionate person and I’m a very determined person.

I never asked my friends what they think about me but as we are still friends I suppose they appreciate me.

From this experience of studying and living abroad I expect first of all to come back with a very high level of English and a wider knowledge of American culture and to grow up as a person: to be able to manage in a new school, in a different country and to settle into another family.

I wish to come back as a different/better person, with a lot of experience and I hope to find a family who loves me.

Best regards


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