Flag of Spain


15, Female Student ID: 248ISSESP058JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



My name is Rosa, I am 14 years old. I am talkative, open, and sporty. I live in the north of Spain, in a place where you can find culture and many traditions.
My mother and father are high school teachers, and I have a 9-year-old little sister. We usually spend a lot of time as a family, and we have a good relationship.
I love all kinds of music, I play the electric guitar, although I also play a little ukulele, piano, Spanish guitar, and flute. I also play rugby; I love playing it and watching its games. I really like making family plans, and animals in general. I really enjoy traveling.
Here in Spain, I am in the 3rd year of ESO, I study in a very large school, my favorite subjects are music and religion, and I am not very sure what I want to dedicate myself to in the future, but maybe something related to art.
During the week, I go to school and then I do my extracurricular activities, rugby training and music and electric guitar classes. On the weekends, I always have a rugby game, and I dedicate my free time to being with my group of friends.
Me and my friends usually meet up to do all kinds of activities, go for a snack, go to the movies, go shopping, ice skating…
I would love to spend my year in the United States since I really want to meet new people, new cultures, and traditions. I have never done anything like this and that makes me even more eager to know everything.
At home I usually help mainly by making lunch or dinner, washing the dishes, sweeping, making the beds, cleaning the bathroom, hanging the clothes, and folding the sheets.
Also, I would like to share the culture and traditions of my country with you, teach you the music, the dances, the food, the parties…
Thank you very much for giving me this beautiful opportunity, I am very grateful for your generosity and hospitality.
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