Yu Hui

, Female Student ID: 248ISTTWN001JYF

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Table Tennis

Yu Hui

Hello host family:

My name is Una, and I attend a private bilingual high school in Southern Taiwan. Our school is certified by Cambridge for K-12 education, and most of our courses are taught in English to strengthen our language skills for potential study abroad opportunities after graduation. Despite my initial struggles with English, I’m determined to improve during this journey.

My family consists of my dad, mom, older sister, younger brother, and me. We have a close-knit bond and enjoy spending time together. I’m the middle child, and I often find myself balancing between my older sister’s guidance and my younger brother’s energy. Growing up in a supportive family environment has shaped me into who I am today.

I have a variety of hobbies that keep me busy outside of school. I enjoy reading novels and watching dramas, as they allow me to escape into different worlds and perspectives. I’m also into fitness and wellness, so I exercise regularly and practice yoga for both physical and mental well-being. However, I don’t like being in the sun because I’m afraid of getting dark, so I prefer indoor activities or shaded areas when I’m outdoors.

In terms of personality, I consider myself quite shy, especially in new social situations. However, my friends often describe me as outgoing and friendly once they get to know me. It’s interesting how different perspectives can shape our perceptions of ourselves. Occasionally, I feel lazy and just want to stay at home, especially after a long week of school and activities. I value my alone time and use it to recharge and reflect.

Despite my shyness, I’ve had the chance to explore various countries, and I have a particular fondness for America. This has sparked my interest in potentially studying there in the future. I’m excited about the possibility of experiencing a new culture and educational environment.

Thank you for read my letter. I will try my best to get along with you. We learn and grow up together. I’m sure you will like me.

Best Regard,


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