ICES Global Ambassador Program FAQs

Are you an American High School Student who is curious about other countries and cultures?
Then you should read the ICES Global Ambassador Program FAQs.
A specially designed volunteer program for American High School students.
Here you will find the most common answers that you need to know before submitting your application.

Global Ambassador
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old are the exchange students, where do they come from, and for how long are they here?
ICES students are 15-18 years old and come from all over the world to spend a semester or school year in the United States.

Q: I don’t know anything about exchange. Can I still be a GA?
Absolutely! Your Local Coordinator will provide training materials that will help you understand exchange and equip you to be a great GA. If you are interested in countries and cultures, being a GA is a fantastic way to increase your knowledge.

Q: Do I have to attend a school with ICES exchange students to be a GA?
No. If there are no exchange students in your school, you can still provide support to students in nearby schools and possibly help your Local Coordinator bring new students to your school in the future.

Q: There is already a GA at my school. Can I still apply?
Absolutely. It is up to the local ICES staff to determine how many GAs the want in the area, but if you are a strong candidate, it’s likely they will be excited to have your help.

Q: Can seniors apply?
Seniors are eligible, but are encouraged to give serious thought to the amount of time they have to offer. The position is flexible, but GAs are expected to devote time to the position on a consistent basis.

Q: Can I be a GA if my family is hosting?
Yes! Host siblings make wonderful GAs as you already understand some of the goals and challenges associated with exchange, but hosting is not a prerequisite to the GA position.

Q: I’m interested! What’s the next step?
Contact us for more information or to request an application.