Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU040JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Church Activities or Clubs
Community Service
Drama or Theater


Dear Host Family,

Thank you so much for do an exchange year program and willing to host an exchange student from another country!

My Name is Hanna, I’m a female student from Germany.

Now I’m in the tenth grade, when I’m starting my exchange, I will complete secondary school.

At the time my exchange year starts, I will be 16. In school my favourite subjects are art, music, and cooking. I really want to go to the US, because I always dreamed about travelling around the world and I really like to learn more about the US culture and the different between the USA and Germany. Also, I to improve my English and to meet new people from all around the world.

I’m a very friendly and social person. My friends and family are very important to me, and I love spending time with them.

My Hobbies are dancing and playing the piano. I’m dancing since I’m a little child. The dance I’m doing is typical for my region or state. As I told earlier, I play the piano, so I’m really into music. I would really love to also dance in the US, but also to try new activities and hobbies. Another thing I look forward to in the USA, are the different subjects in the schools and the differences from a US school compared to a German school. In my hometown we usually have classes that we must do, we only have the freedom to choose two subjects. My strength in school are language and the creative things and I would really love that to continue that in my future high school. In school I always try to get good grades and I love to organise School activities. That I as many as possibilities for my future job.

In my free time I also do volunteer work. I’m a server in my hometown church. I’m in a group, that are all servers and we do work for little children. We do hours where kids can come to meet new friends and to do fun activities. This work makes me very happy, because it’s a cool and nice thing to see how younger children find new friends through you and you do a good thing for the community. But that’s not the only volunteer work that I do, I also do volunteering in school. It’s also with kids, I help children that come new to school to integrate in our school.

My friends are really important to me. We often do activities together, like go on hiking trips or dance together and sing to the songs.

At home I live with my mother, my father, my little brother, my grandmother, and my grandfather. My brother is 3 years younger than me, so I’m used to watch kids or work with children that are younger than me. The relationship to my parents is very good. Me and my dad often listens to music and dance to it. My mom and I really like to do outside activities. In all me and my family really like to go on walks, hikes or to travel. Unfortunately, we don’t have any pets but I’m a very animal loving person!

I’m born in Germany, so I’m really used to the traditions and above all the food in Germany.

I’m really looking forward to living with you for ten months and to do activities together. I really appreciate it that you host a not known girl and I thank you very much for making my dreams come true.

I hope we have a great time together.

Your Hanna

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