Flag of France


15, Male Student ID: 248JEVFRA009JYM France

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Running or Jogging
Video Games


Dear future host family, I am pleased to write you this letter to give you a deeper insight into my personality, interests and family.

I have a very big family, I have two big brothers, two big sisters and a little sister. My family is an essential pillar in my life, my family means a lot to me. we like to come together to spend time together share family activities or tell stories … . I have a very good complicity with my parents, I am like an open book with them. My older brother was educated in New York and currently he lives and works in New York, as he lives in the United States I see him less often but we have a very good complicity. My other brother is married and father of a little boy of 3 years, he is studying to become an airplane pilot. My two older sisters are working in the south of France and the youngest will marry next year. My little sister lives with me and is at school, she does high level dance. In addition to that I have many animals, I have two goats, six chickens, a turtle, a mountain dog (betoven…) and a small dog that lives with us in the house. With my family we like to organize walks with dogs in our village because we have beautiful forest paths, it allows us all to reunite and spend good times together.

I will describe myself as someone benevolent towards others, my friends often say that I am someone generous, kind, funny and very sociable. They say my main strength is that I never give up. However, one of my weaknesses is my tendency to sometimes invest myself too emotionally. I can feel deeply concerned about the issues facing my loved ones, which can sometimes affect my own emotional well-being. I gradually learn to establish healthy boundaries to maintain a stable emotional balance.

Since I was two years old, I have been immersed in the world of swimming and each training was the beginning of a passion that continues to grow. Over the years, swimming has become more than just an exercise, it has become a part of my life, I swim every day and I am in a high level club, this year I aim for the French championships. But my horizons are not limited to water. Aviation also captivated my heart. Seeing the world from the sky was an early fascination. I’ve flown in light planes before. The excitement of the takeoffs, the tranquility of the cruises and the constant discovery of new horizons have contributed to nourish my passion for the flight. My life is also woven with festive moments. Whether it’s Christmas, Halloween, New Year’s Day or even a simple birthday, every celebration is a vivid palette of shared emotions and memories.

As for this experience, I hope to broaden my horizons, learn new cultures, and make lasting connections with my new family. I am open to new experiences and excited to share and learn together.

When it comes to my preferences, I am flexible and confident that our meeting will be a valuable opportunity for mutual growth. I look forward to sharing this unique experience with you and creating unforgettable memories.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to sharing these passions and festive moments with your family. Your welcome is a source of anticipation and joy for me, and I am grateful for this opportunity. Hope to meet you soon!

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