Flag of Italy


16, Female Student ID: 248TVSITA004JYF Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Horseback Riding
Playing Cards
Visiting Museums


Dear host family,

I have waited so long for this moment, and I can’t believe it has come at last!

My name is Cristal, I really like it. It’s uniquely beautiful and has its origins in ancient Greek, a culture I adore, particularly in fantasy literature like the Percy Jackson series.

I’m 16 years old, and I’m from Italy, more precisely in a small, charming town of about 1500 in northern Italy, surrounded by mountains and forest, and I love it here ‘cause it’s so quiet.

What could I say about myself?

I’m a sensitive, sociable and cheerful girl, and I really like talking about anything when I get to know someone, even if I’m quite shy at first. I admit to being a bit stubborn, but I’m quick to acknowledge and apologize when I realize I’m wrong ‘cause I don’t like arguing, especially with people I love.

Lately, I’ve realized something pretty cool about myself. First thing: I tend to see the bright side in everything and everyone. Second thing: I’m an open-minded person. I believe that being an open-minded person is important for everyone, it allows you to see everyone’s point of view without judging or making them feel wrong, even if you think differently. They help me stay positive and embrace new ideas.

Furthermore, I’ve been dreaming of this since I was a little girl, and I can’t wait to go to the USA and get to know your culture and language better, even if, in fact, I’m a little scared of not seeing my family and friends again for almost a year, but I’m determined enough to make it.

I am attending the third year of high school specialized in tourism (the Italian school system is different to the American one). Now I’m studying three languages: English, Spanish and French.

What about my family?

My father, Tomas, is 47 years old and he’s a bricklayer and my mom, Jessica, is 44 years old and she doesn’t work because she must check on my two brothers: Matteo, who is 13 years old, and Morgan, who is 10 years old. I’ve alvays wanted a sister but unfortunately I never had one and that’s ok too. I also have a little cat, her name is Chloe and I love her so much. There are some flaws in my family as in every other family: sometimes we argue or we don’t agree about something but I think that also makes my family unique.

I have three best friends: Aurora, Zoe and Luca. They have always helped and supported me in everything I have done and thought up to now. I have known them since we were little, and I really love them so much. They will probably miss me, but they know how much I care about it and are very happy that I can have this experience.

In my free time, I have so many hobbies, but I don’t really like sports. I played volleyball for so many years, but lately I realized I didn’t like it, so I quit.

I love reading fantasy and romance books.

But my favorite thing ever is music. I like to listen to music wherever and whenever I can; I mostly like pop or indie music, and my favorite singers are Harry Styles, Gracie Abrams and Taylor Swift (I will also go to one of her concerts!).

I love fashion and watching runways so much that I’d like to go to fashion business university after high school .

I also like baking, especially sweets and dessert whenever I feel sad or I’m particularly happy for something and I’d be happy to cook you something from our Italian cuisine if you want me to.

And last but not least I love traveling. I already visited some European states and some Italian cities but I hope to find a job that will allow me to travel abroad to know different cultures and meet new people from all over the world.

I hope you can get to know me soon and you’ll be proud of me.

I really want to thank you for choosing me as your host daughter and I can’t wait to meet you.

See you soon,


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