Flag of Spain

Juan Angel

16, Male Student ID: 248ISSESP040JYM Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Computers or Technology
Football (Soccer)
Video Games

Juan Angel

Hi I’m Juan Angel I’m 15 years old, I live in Spain; I live with my parents and my siblings, my father is 43 years old, he is a technical architect and my mother, who is French and German teacher, is 42. My little brother is 9 years old and my sister is 12. I love spending time with them going to the movies, playing basketball, watching movies and series… I don’t have a pet but I would love to have a dog or a cat, I have had 3 birds, a turtle and a rabbit so I know how to take care of animals very well. I am currently in 4º of ESO which is 10º grade in USA, my favorite subjects are those related to science, technology and sports.

I think what makes me special to participate in this program is that I adapt easily to any situation and I can contribute a lot to a family, for example, I help a lot at home and I am very good at cooking, for instance chocolate coulant or potato omelet. I consider myself a shy guy with people I don’t know but when I get confidence I make friends easily. I am very sporty, I train 4 days a week in basketball, it is one of my passions and one of the many reasons why I am interested in the USA. I am also very familiar and I enjoy spending time with my family, for example going to the country side, going out to dinner, … One of my main virtues is that I am peaceful, responsible and like to help others. My worst flaw is that I’m not very patient but I’m working on it.

My hobbies are playing basketball with my friends, watching games of this sport or any other one, listening to music, playing video games, traveling, baking, watching series and movies, … I don’t have a favorite food but I love my mother’s lasagna, pizza, hamburgers, french fries with fried egg, pancakes, … I love American restaurants and food.

From this experience I want to gain independence, learn English, teach my customs, typical dishes, traditions and language to the family I will live with; I want to meet new people, make new friends, get to know the American culture from within a family and above all live an incredible experience. For this reason I don’t care where I will live in USA. I live in a temperate climate region, but I wouldn’t mind experiencing other climates, I love the snow and the beach so I feel prepared for any part of the USA. I also live in a medium sized town near a big city where I usually use the bike to go to training or English classes, so I wouldn’t mind living in a big city.

Finally, I would like to thank my future family for the opportunity they are offering me, I will certainly share with them the best of my country and the best of myself.

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