Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 248SIGDEU071JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)
Playing Cards
Skiing or Snowboarding
Table Tennis
Video Games


Dear host family,
you are reading my letter, because you are thinking about hosting me in your home. Thank you very much in advance for being so generous!
My name is Nils, I am 15 years old and turning 16 in April 2024. I live in the fourth biggest city of Germany with my parents and my sister, who is three years younger than me. We don´t live with any pets, but I wouldn’t mind to live with one.
First, I would like to tell you something about my daily life in Germany. During the week I get up early, because I want to have breakfast with my family. Then I cycle to school with my sister. My favourite classes are math, science and history. After school, when I am back home I do my homework and thereafter I enjoy playing on my PlayStation with my friends, my favourite game is the soccer game “Fifa”. Late afternoon I get ready for soccer training which I have four times a week. When I am back at home from training, which is around 9pm, I only shower, eat and then go to bed.
On the weekends I enjoy getting up late, which is around 10 o´clock. Almost every weekend I have a soccer game. After the game I meet my friends and we hang out at a friend’s house or we play soccer in the park. When the weather is bad we meet in the city for shopping or going to the movies. Normally I have dinner with my family, afterwards we often do at least one thing together such as playing board games, playing table tennis or watching a movie. On Sundays we all like to chill, but when the weather is nice we play tennis or we go on a hike in a national park near my home town once in a while or meeting with friends.
Now you have an idea what my daily life looks like. But who am I? I think that I am a pretty normal teenager with a passion for sports, especially soccer! I am very ambitious in sports! I am a confident person, therefore I get to know new people easily. But of course sports is always a good way to connect with new people as well! I think that I am funny and have a good sense of humour, at least my friends think so, with whom I like to joke and laugh. In general, I am an organized person concerning school and my sports. To be honest my room doesn´t show it, but this is something I don´t put my focus on… 😉 Besides sports I like to cook and to bake sometimes. I like to work with yeast dough, which is good for pizza and cinnamon rolls. But my home made Ravioli are also delicious!
I hope I was able to give you a little picture of myself and my life.
You are probably wondering why I am interested going abroad to the USA. Since I am 10 years old I have the idea to become an exchange student in the USA , exactly how my mother did, when she was 16 years old. I am eager to get to know the country and its culture by myself and not only from my mother´s stories or TV-series. I would like to experience high-school life by myself, especially being part of a high-school sport-team. Another reason to go abroad is that I want to improve my English skills! Learning to speak English fluently without thinking too much about it and searching for words!
An interesting aspect of living one year abroad is that I am the one, who is the foreigner in another country. Everything will be new to me and I need to adapt to my new environment. I am sure this is something which enlarges my independence and broadens my horizon.
I am really looking forward to my year in the USA! I am so curious what it will be like living in another country and family and going to highschool!
I am really grateful that you welcome me in your family! I want to blend in and be part of your family. I am very excited to get to know you and to talk to you soon!
Kind regards,
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