Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU109JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Community Service
Family Activities
Horseback Riding
Playing Cards
Running or Jogging
Skiing or Snowboarding


Dear host family,

At first I would like to thank you in advance for giving me this opportunity. I am looking forward to meeting you soon!

My name is Nike, I am 16 years old and I live with my parents and my brother in a city in Northern Germany. My parents are Tanja and Norman, my older brother is called Nis and is already 20 years old. We all live in a house near the city centre. We often spend time together playing cards or discussing current topics.

I am very enthusiastic about sports. I have been swimming in a club since I was 5 years old, in between I did hip hop and horse riding. My other hobbies are playing the piano and spending time with my friends. I am also a big fan of the local football club. My parents took me and my brother to the matches when we were little and since then we’ve been going as a family every other weekend. Sport is one of my greatest passions and I´m very enthusiastic about it.

My friends here are great. We always have a lot of fun and laugh all the time. It’s hard to leave them behind for 10 months, but I’m looking forward to all the experiences I can gain in America. One of my favourite activities is definitely the time I can spend in the stadium with my family and friends. It’s always a lot of fun to cheer on the team. Apart from that, I like spending time with my extended family, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins, but we don’t see each other that often. That’s why my favourite holiday would have to be Christmas. Simply because it’s one of the only days, my whole family is at home with us. It is always interesting and a lot of fun with my family.

I am an open-minded and fun-loving person and like to get involved in different things. I was class representative here for two years in a row and in my free time I like to volunteer as a trainer in my swimming club. One of my strengths could be that I want to take care of the people around me and that I am a good listener. However, a weakness would be that I like to argue, especially with my older brother.

I am reliable, motivated and don’t give up too quickly, as well as responsible and a team player. I like to take on new challenges and try out new things. On the other hand, I often take on too much and can’t say no either. During my exchange year I would like to learn to grow beyond myself and gain as much experience as possible.

I would like to thank you once again for giving me an opportunity like this and emphasise that I am very happy to meet you.

Best regards


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