Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248ABCDEU027JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games


Dear Host family and school in America,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Nila and I am from Germany. I am writing to express my gratitude for welcoming me into your home and school. I am excited about the opportunity to experience life in America due to several reasons.
5 years ago I lived together with my whole family: my parents, my oldest brother Shayan, my brother Nikan and me as the youngest sibling. Now my parents are divorced and my brothers are both studying at different universities, miles apart from their home town and me. Shayan was abroad when he was in 8th grade, at that time, I was 7 years old and I knew that I wanted to do the same when I am older. This year many students came back from their exchange year and ended up in my class. After listening about their experiences and the confidence they have gotten, I knew that it has to be my turn now. My best friend Jakob then recommended me this program because he is also going to be in America next school year.
During school I had a few voluntary positions e.g. being the class representative since 5th grade. Last school year (9th grade) I was in the team of the student representatives and had a lot of fun during it. Over the years, I’ve learned to find solutions with my teachers and to stand up for my classmates if they had a problem. I also believe that I did a good job by telling the teachers if something is wrong in the classes climate.
At home my main tasks are to clean up my room, to vacuum and to do the dishes. Sometimes I cook after school even when I don’t enjoy it that much.
The most difficult part for me will be to leave my family and friends behind and to start off as a foreigner. Not because I can’t integrate myself but because of the homesickness I could face. I know that I have to stay strong and socialize a lot in order to feel good because I know that this experience will strengthen me and my personality. I am also aware of the fact that speaking English only can be very difficult at the beginning. However, I want to do the ib (International baccalaureate) and also study abroad in the future. For that, I want to learn English fluently. I think I can interact a lot in American High school because I already have almost every subject on English and I am motivated to share my thoughts and interests during class with confidence.
Beside the academic success in the future that I want to reach through my stay in America. I also want to learn about the new culture and the people. Furthermore, a year abroad in America can also serve to broaden my personal horizons, make new friendship, and get to know myself better. Ultimately, it’s an opportunity to have a unique and enriching experience that will be remembered for a lifetime.
I think it is a question of perspective weather something is a challenge. For me for example I face everyday challenges. Competitions in my sport (Figure skating) are scaring me everytime and it is a big challenge for me to perform good because I always overthink it. After performing I always wonder about what I was stressing before. Another common challenge in life is to act mature during conflicts. I’m only 16 years old and I’m still learning but when I have something on my mind that annoys me, I just listen to one of the most important quotes, “Communication is key” to tell (mostly) my friends, how I feel.
As I embark on this journey to spend a year abroad in America, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for these experiences that lie ahead. I am eager to immerse myself in American culture, embrace new challenges, and forge meaningful connections with my host family and the community. I look forward to the adventures, laughter, and memories we will create together. Here’s to a year filled with discovery, growth, and endless possibilities.
Nila 🙂
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