Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU155JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Family Activities


My name is Jule and I am currently 15 years old but I´ll be 16 on March the 27th.

Here in Germany I´m living with my parents Stefanie and Matthias near the beautiful city of Hamburg. I have two older Sister Lena and Anna. They are 25 and 22 years old and have already moved out. They still come to visit often us and we mostly spend that time with playing family games or watching our favorite movies together. Even though they already left the house I´m still very close with them and I love having them around. With my sister Anna I always play video games, go out to the city or just talk about everything we like. I´m very close with my mother too and we can just sit and talk for hours. Me and my father are big soccer fans and sometimes we go watch games of our favorite team the Hamburger HSV in stadium (to support them).

If I had to describe myself, I would say that I´m very outgoing, helpful and ambitious. I always want to do my best in everything I do and I work as hard as I can to achieve the things I want, which can also be a weakness of mine from time to time.

I´m definitely a summer person. I absolutely love the feeling of the warm sunlight on my skin and seeing the blooming nature in that time of the year.

Sport is a big interest of mine. I started to play Handball when I was around the age of five and I have been playing passionately for over ten years now. When I come to the US though, I would like to try new things. Other interests of mine are dancing, listening to music, going shopping or to the movies and just hanging out with my friends. I`m very thankful for my friends and the support we give each other.

I also love to cook and bake for my friends and family here in Germany and I would love to do that for my host family too sometimes. I can cook some of my favorite typical German meals for you. The German food is pretty great I would say, but if I had to eat just one thing for the rest of my life it would be sushi, since it´s my favorite. My favorite treat would be chocolate.

No matter what food I think everything taste better together. That´s why I love my family´s tradition of a family evening every Saturday. Here we come together and eat food, watch TV and just spend time together. That´s also the reason why Christmas is my favorite Holiday. I love to be with my whole family and celebrate together. On Christmas Eve, we would always go to the cinema and watch a Christmas movie.

I want to be an exchange student because I want to explore the US and get to know the American traditions and the American lifestyle better. I want to meet new people and become good friends with them and I want to have a loving host family that will make me feel like I’m home. I hope I can improve my English skills and make some memories that will last forever.

When I picture my dream host family, I think I would love to be with a family that has two nice host parents, with who I can talk about everything that’s on my mind and laugh a lot with them. Because I grew up with two amazing sisters, I am a family person and I love kids with all my heart. Also, I wouldn’t mind at all if you had any pets at your home.

I hope you got to know me better and I look forward to also get to know you better and become a part of your family.



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