
15, Male Student ID: 248ABCUKR034JYM

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Board Games
Family Activities


My name is Luka. I am from Ukraine. I am communicative, I am interested in starting to communcate with new people and constantly learning something new. I am also very creative, throughout my life I have attended all kinds of clubs, and I have also been involved in Sports all my life. I am active and cheerful. I also like to cook. I spend my free time playing the guitar or going to the gym. I also like to spend it with friends. My daily life consists of constantly moving forward, studying at school and socializing. I spend most of my day at school, and socializing. I spend most of my day at school and study English. Some days I also go to the gym, play the guitar and study the field of activity that I like for example, “psychology.” My friends love me and say that I am funny and positive, and I understand how and when to behave.
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