Flag of Turkey

Elif Naz

15, Female Student ID: 248ABCTUR037JYF Turkey

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Bike Riding
Church Activities or Clubs
Drama or Theater
Football (American)
Ice Hockey
Water polo

Elif Naz

Dear Host Family,

Hello dear host family! I am excited about the opportunity to meet you. My name is Elif Naz and I am a 9th grade student. I am 15 years old.

My father is a physics teacher at high school, and my mother is an assistant professor in the Turkish Language and Literature department at the university. I have a sweet little sister named Ece Su, who is 9 years old. I enjoy spending time with my family. The fact that my parents have different interests have enriched my life. Despite the age difference with my sister, we get along very well and enjoy spending quality time together. We like doing activities such as watching movies, playing ball, dancing, drawing, painting, and signing together.

The reason I want to participate in this program is firstly because it is very exciting. Secondly, I believe it will greatly benefit my future education. I have always been curious about foreign languages since childhood, and I believe I have managed to improve my language skills to a certain level in the schools I attended. I am confident that with this program, I will reach the level I desire. The reason I want to go to America through this program is that it has been a country I have dreamed of since childhood. I have always wanted to see, explore, and get to know America. Watching TV shows made me curious about the lifestyle in America, which fueled my desire to go there. That’s why I want to go to America.

I love getting to know different people and cultures, which I find both enjoyable and exciting. The cultural trips I took with my family have intensified my curiosity and interest. This desire and excitement to be part of this program also stem from this. Saying hello at a brand-new world is very exciting. I intend to meet different culture there and contribute to my exciting knowledge. I am already looking forward to the new experiences I will gain through you.

The high school I attend in Turkey is a prestigious school that accepts students through exams, and it is both academically and socially reputable. We have sports clubs in at least 10 different branches, and we win many awards in competitions organized through these clubs. This not only relieves us from academic stress but also fosters a sense of unity and positive competition through sports. Similarly, I hope the school I will be placed in America will serve my academic, athletic, and cultural development.

Regarding my favorite subjects, I am inclined towards the science field, so I can say that my favorite subjects are physics, mathematics, and biology. I really want to student medicine in the future. I also love biology very much. One reason I want to study medicine is this. I want to become a plastic surgeon. The reasons for wanting to become a plastic surgeon is my belief that I am inclined. to this profession and my conviction that I will do this job willingly and lovingly. However, the experience I will gain during my time in America may change my career plans.

I value reading books and enjoy it. I particularly enjoy reading detective and thriller novels. I love spending time in the kitchen, and it feels good to me. I mostly enjoy making desserts. I find drawing very enjoyable, so I sometime draw. If I get bored, I love singing and dancing, and I have a lot of fun doing them. I like watching TV series. Although not as much as watching series, I also watch movies. As for sports; I am a swimmer and a water polo player. I started swimming at a very young age and have won awards. I continue to do it with pleasure. Water polo, my second sport, is, in my opinion, a lesser-known but very beautiful sport. I have been playing water polo for years, but currently, there is no suitable team for age group in my city due to limited opportunities. When I go to America, I would love to do both water polo and swimming.

When I go to America, I want to visit the places I want see there, try American cuisine, and learn about cultural and social differences. As an open-minded person, I would like to participate in different sports branches and social clubs.

I am aware that people are open to development and change. In this context, I want to complete the program healthy, happy, and successfully, knowing that the experience I will gain during the 9 months I will spend with you will contribute to me my family, my friends, my school, and my country. I am excited to meet you.

Elif Naz

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