Flag of Brazil


15, Female Student ID: 248ABCBRA056JYF Brazil

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Drama or Theater
Football (Soccer)


I believe I am a talkative and funny person once I get comfortable with someone, I love to watch football, soccer, and listen to music in my free time, but nothing could make me stop my one true passion which is writing and reading! I’m a true bookworm, to this day, in 2023, I’ve read over 50 books and I absolutely love that about me. I’m very open to new experiences and discussing my interests, I love science and I could even teach my host family with my knowledge.

Dear host family,

I’m finally writing my letter! I’m so excited! So, ever since my brother went to Canada in 2018, I have never actually given myself some peace. I always caught myself thinking “when will it be my time?” and here it is! And it feels crazy. I’ve never been so thrilled about something!

I want to tell you how I am at home, how my life has been and especially how I hope it will be once I am with you in the USA. If I’m being honest, I’m a really shy and reluctant person at the beginning, but once I get to know you better it will feel like I’ve known you for millions of years. Really, I have a talent to talk absolutely non-stop! I love to share my life experiences with whoever is around and actually, at the moment, all I want to do is skip the part where I’m only writing letters to meeting you in person.

One thing you need to know about me is that I am a huge bookworm! I like to read any kind of book, but romance and science-fiction kind of own my whole heart. I also adore listening to music- especially Taylor Swift- and watching movies! My favorite genre has to be Drama, but I could watch anything if I get to rate and talk about it at the end! Actually, when it comes to studying, I tend to enjoy astrophysics and mathematics!

Long story short, since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed about living in the United States, I’ve dreamed about spending Christmas there and actually eating turkey at Thanksgiving even if I only get to live the American dream for only 10 months.

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