Flag of Brazil


15, Female Student ID: 248ABCBRA055JYF Brazil

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!




I am a very talkative person, but I am a little shy too. I like to spend my free time cooking, on the gym or on the ocean. I like to cook sweets and Italian good, but in my opinion it is much better with company. I have a step-brother but he is very busy, becuase he is at university. I have never had a pet, but I like pets. I don’t know exactly what career I want, but, probably something in the health field.


Dear Host Family,

My name is Victoria. I am 16 years old. In my house, my mother, Claudia, works in insurance, and we like to spend time together going to the mall or cooking dinner. My father, Rodrigo, is a businessman so he’s always busy and we don’t spend much time together, but when he has time, he likes to go out with us for a barbecue or lunch in a nice restaurant. My half-brother is 25 and also lives with us, working in a language school as a director. I study at a very traditional and strict Catholic school (private school). I am proud to study there, because people say it’s a school that teaches academic knowledge and also how to be a good person.

I like to spend my time reading, listening to music, watching movies or series, traveling with my parents, cooking, going to the beach, visiting my grandfather and going out with my friends. I’ve never had a pet, because my mother is afraid of animals. I go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and I love healthy things, so I’m always researching them.

I want to do an exchange program to get to know a new culture, make new friends, visit cool places and improve my English. Besides, I love new things in my life, and I don’t like to stand still, so I think this program could open up new possibilities and visions of life for me.

Thank you for reading my letter.

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