Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 258KWDDEU084JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



Dear future host family,

My name is Thea, I‘m 15 but I will be 16 when I hopefully arrive in America. I’m very happy that I have the chance to visit America for a longer time, because I know that it cannot be taken for granted.

I’m looking forward to experiencing the American High school Life and the American life in general. Maybe it would also be possible that I show you, as my future host family, some things like recipes or traditions from Germany. During my time in America, I’m hoping to find new friends and of course also a wonderful host family that I would like to stay in touch with after my exchange year. I want to become an exchange student, because I heard about it in school and it seemed wonderful to me.

I’m training very hard with my gymnastics team, because we’re hoping to attend more competitions this year. I have been doing gymnastics for about two years now and my first competition was in September last year. I’m also guiding younger kids into the sport as a youth coach. It brings me very much joy to see other kids having fun and explore new things. I’m currently training 2 times per week, but I’m a youth coach 3 times per week. I’m also frequently visiting the gym 3-4 times per week and it would make me very happy if it is possible to continue with it while I’m in America.

In my free time, I like to play video games, meet up with friends to go to the gym or go shopping. I really love to cook with my mom because I can learn a lot from her. I also enjoy reading books, preferably English books like love stories or dark romance.

Finally, I think it’s really great of you that you want to give someone the chance to go visit a new country and show them your culture. I’m really looking forwards to meeting you and I’m deeply thankful that you spend your time to read my letter.

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