Hosting an exchange student has been an amazing experience…

Hosting an exchange student has been an amazing experience…


Hosting… for my family, but it can be challenging at times. You think everyone teaches their children the same way you teach yours, but that is so not the case.

At first we were all excited looking at children, reading their stories and trying to find the right one that will fit into our family. We read Anneliese’s story about wanting to come and experience the American lifestyle and there was just something in her story that kept bringing me back to her. So, I made the call and told them I wanted her and within a few weeks we was already talking and getting to know each other through Facebook.

She is truly a blessing for our family and she is my daughter that I’ll never stop loving. I never imagined hosting children would make my heart grow bigger and learn to love other children in a way that you’ll never be able to turn away from. Anneliese and I have become very close and bonded in a way I don’t think either one of us was expecting. As well as her and all my children has a special bond. The laughter and love that runs through my home is priceless.

We do a lot of family traveling and actives, she has been right there with us.

Hosting and exchange studentWe’ve learned so much about her family and culture that we wouldn’t have ever been able to do if she wasn’t with us. She is a very well- mannered and adjusted to the house rules (since house rules are completely different in her country).

Anneliese has a very bright future ahead of her and I know I’ll always be a part of her life and with that I’m grateful to be a Host Mom and I’ll continue being one as long as God wants me to.

Melinda Tasej-Sop

Anneliese’s host mother Hamilton, Alabama

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