Flag of Spain


17, Female Student ID: 248ABCESP001JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Skiing or Snowboarding
Visiting Museums


Dear Host Family,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Alejandra, and I am a 16-year-old girl from Spain. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself and explain why I am eager to study in the United States for a year.
First and foremost, I consider myself an outgoing and responsible person. Making friends has never been a challenge for me, and I enjoy building connections with people from different backgrounds. I am also very close to my family and friends, cherishing every moment I spend with them.
Speaking of family, I have a wonderful brother named Adrián, who pursues a career in professional football. My mother, Ana, resides with her partner, where they are in the process of establishing a chain of small supermarkets. Although we are geographically apart, I have a strong
bond with my mother, and we regularly connect through video calls. Most of my life, I have lived with my father, Álvaro. He works in the field of business consulting.
I have a variety of interests and hobbies that I am passionate about. Skiing is one of my favorite activities, and I make it a point to hit the slopes several times a year, whether it’s with my parents, friends, or schoolmates. Volleyball is another sport I enjoy, and I love spending time with my friends on the beautiful beaches.
Food is another one of my passions, and I am always eager to try new flavors. My father and I have a tradition we call “cine-cena,” where one of us selects a movie to watch in the cinema, and the other chooses a restaurant for dinner. It’s a great way for us to bond and discuss various topics. I have a particular fondness for Japanese, Thai, Italian, and Mexican cuisine. I also enjoy cooking and have mastered the art of preparing delicious carbonara pasta.
Additionally, I am learning to cook two iconic Spanish dishes, paella and Spanish potato omelette, with my grandmother.
For several years, I have been captivated by American culture and have dreamed of studying in the United States for my final year before university. I had the incredible opportunity to visit New York City with my father, which only deepened my fascination with the country. I have a genuine passion for languages and a strong desire to explore different cultures. Studying in the United States will be an invaluable experience, allowing me to broaden my horizons and gain a unique perspective on education.
While I have a keen interest in biology, I am still uncertain about my future career path and which university studies to pursue. I believe that the American education system offers a wide range of options that may not be available in Europe, and this year abroad will help me make informed decisions about my future. I am considering the possibility
of studying at a foreign university, possibly in London or elsewhere in Europe, such as the Netherlands or Germany.
In conclusion, I am truly excited about the prospect of spending a year in the United States, immersing myself in its culture, and expanding my educational horizons. I am confident that this experience will not only be academically enriching but also personally transformative. I am committed to facing any challenges that may arise with determination and a positive attitude.
Thank you for considering me as a member of your family for the upcoming year. I look forward to the opportunity to meet you and create lasting memories together.
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