Flag of Spain


16, Male Student ID: 248TLTESP041JYM Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Football (Soccer)
Martial Arts


To whome it may concern,
In this letter I will explain some of my hobbies and my personality to introduce myself.

First of all, my family is composed of my parents, my two younger brothers (13 and 10 years old) and my rabbit called Koki. As my siblings and I are all boys, we have very similar hobbies and we enjoy spending time together.

For instance, I practice karate since I was four and I am taking part in lots of tournaments and fights around Spain. They also like this martial art and the middle one even went with me to compete in a league with some of the best fighters in the world ranking. I simply like combat sports due to the adrenaline and the huge variety of tactics and ways of striking and defending too. I like almost every sport as I also practice soccer, swimming and I go to the gym.

Changing the subject, my favourites dishes are pasta, pizza and mexican food. I like every food (including vegetables) except seafood as crabs, lobsters or prawns. The best season for me is summer as I can go to the beach, people usually go out, there are festivities, etc. My favourite holyday is something called “feria” (like fair), it is a week in april/may when people go to some stands to eat, dance and enjoy as well as ride rollercoasters.

To sum up, I am a teenager who likes working out, hanging out with friends and having a great time doing what i like, but when it is time to concentrate and solve a problem I am very disciplined and perseverant to go straight to the point.

Yours sincerely,
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