Flag of Spain


15, Female Student ID: 248HUSESP005JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Skiing or Snowboarding


Hello family! My name is Alicia and I’m 14 years old, but in my exchange year I will be 15 years old.
First of all, I am super grateful to be able to participate in this program and that you read my letter and consider me part of the family.
To begin with, I’m going to introduce you to my family. My mother’s name is Alicia, just like me! She is 43 years old. She always tells me to pick up my room and set the table, I guess like any mother, but she helps me a lot with everything I need. My father’s name is Marcos and he is also 43 years old. He is a hard worker and whenever I don’t understand something at school he always explains it to me. He loves sports and we always do sports activities as a family, although I don’t like it very much. My brother’s name is also Marcos. He is a year younger than me. As I said before, we do a lot of things as a family and we always share the housework. We have a very close relationship and they are very special to me.
Now I am going to tell you a little bit about me and my personality. I am a very cheerful, happy and grateful girl. I always care about others. As for studies, I like to keep things up to date and I usually deliver everything on time. I am very responsible and organized, I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do and when. I always get really good marks in all subjects. I am very outgoing and I have no problem meeting new people. I have been in four different schools and I have never had any problem in socializing. I am trying to improve many aspects such as being a bit more productive as I am sometimes a bit lazy. I am also trying to improve on being punctual since sometimes I am a bit late. Sometimes I leave clothes lying around but I am trying to improve on that. Socially, I have a very large group of friends and I am always willing to meet new people.
About my hobbies, I love to play basketball. I’ve been playing for a very short time and I’m not very good but I have fun and I have a lot of friends. I always go skiing with my family and I have a great time. I also like listening to music, mainly pop music and latin music and I like dancing with my friends. I like cooking a lot, especially sweets and desserts, whenever i have time and im alone at home, i try to do something new. My favorite food is sushi, but im also love “tortilla española” and off course pizza and I love to cook it also. I really enjoy going shopping with my friends and I love the clothes. I also like animals very much and I would love to have a dog. As for using my cell phone, I will try to communicate with my family and friends in Spain only once or twice a week.
I am very grateful to be part of your family and feel like a member of it. I am grateful to be able to learn about your culture and to be able to teach you about mine. I will help with the housework and whatever you need. I hope that my relationship with you will be very good and that it will not be difficult for me to adapt to your routine.
Thank you very much for reading my letter.
Kind regards.
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