As exchange students, we get to see and experience a lot of new things we had never before. Despite of the virus being in the air, Halloween, an American typical holiday, is something that nothing would deprive of us and is about to occur this Saturday, October 31.

Americans, and especially my host dads, love this spooky season that is October’s topic number 1. We were introduced to typical movies like Hocus Pocus or Halloween with Michael Myers and were even that lucky to be taken to a haunted house in Kentucky. That was definitely something out of my comfortable zone, I was super scared the whole time, but I am so grateful I got to go there.

Our amazing field manager, Teresa, threw a Halloween party with all the exchange students from the state of West Virginia, where we all dressed in masks, brought food and enjoyed it together, experienced hayride and last but not least, carved pumpkins, which is what comes to my mind first when the term Halloween is said.

Me and my amazing family all have our masks ready and are looking forward to going trick or treating together just in 4 days.
This exchange year is definitely not a typical one, but I am still having my best time here, and I am so thankful I had such an amazing opportunity to go.
exchange student from Czech Republic
living with his host dads Jarrod and Austin in Hurricane, WV
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