Flag of Germany

Amy Lynn

16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU082JSF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Drama or Theater
Family Activities

Amy Lynn

Dear future Host Family,

I am Amy Lynn from Germany, but everyone just calls me Amy. I live with my Parents and my dog Coco. As a family, we enjoy playing board games together, going to the cinema or baking.

If I had to describe myself, I would defiantly say that I am loyal, open minded and ambitious. I can be adventurous and curious but sometimes I do need those calm and quiet moments. But don’t get me wrong, I can also be very talkative and full of energy. A few of my weaknesses are that I can sometimes be really impatient and reserved. But one one of my strengths is my empathy and that I am very understanding.

A hobby of mine is dancing HipHop. I have just started dancing again after a few years. I also love to read and I enjoy watching Formula 1. Pizza and Pasta are one of my favorite foods. Christmas is 100% my favorite holiday. I love that I get to see my whole family and spend time with everyone.

Becoming an exchange student wasn’t an easy decision. It was hard to choose between staying in the comforts of home or traveling the world. Tho, I know this is a once in a life time experience and opportunity for me. So I hope you can help me to learn more about your culture and about your country. And that you can help me to speak and understand English better. I am so excited to meet new people and about this new experience.

I cant thank you enough for choosing me as an exchange student.

Vielen Dank und bis bald. (Thank you and See you soon.)


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