Two goal-scorers in tonight’s game! Host father, Steve Berkwitz says, “Two goal-scorers in tonight’s game! Proud dad buying ice cream to celebrate a Wildcats’ victory.” Rike is having great year with Berkwitz family in Springfield, Missouri. Both she and her host sister Rashmi play on Glendale High School soccer team. Share
Matias Garcia: Owasso Area Spotlight
Matias Garcia: Owasso Area Spotlight VYPE Oklahoma, October 15, 2018 Most students don’t leave home for an extended period of time until they graduate high school. And even then, it may be an hour or two away. Very few travel 4,755 miles over the Atlantic ocean to spend 10 months away from their home. That’s exactly what exchange student-athlete … Read More
International feel: exchange students make impact
International feel: exchange students make impact Players from other countries bring their skills to the Thumb Huron Daily Tribune, Michigan, October 13, 2018 by Mike Gallagher / Tribune Sports Writer UPPER THUMB — Soccer is known as the world’s game This year, Greater Thumb Conference soccer has taken on a international feel, with foreign exchange students making their … Read More
Getting involved in tennis really helped me
Getting involved in tennis really helped me Hello my name is Barbora. I am from Czech Republic and now I am studying at Shawnee High School in Springfield, Ohio. I am in US now for more than two months. I arrived at the end of July because of tennis which started to practice on August 1st. I spent three … Read More
Being an ICES Global Ambassador was an eye opening experience
Being an ICES Global Ambassador was an eye opening experience Being an ICES Global Ambassador was an eye opening experience When I first started as the student ambassador of my school, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do a good job and live up to the title of an ambassador. But as time progressed, I learned that … Read More
White Water Rafting at Oregon Student Orientation
White Water Rafting at Oregon Student Orientation Over 100 international exchange students gathered on a crisp Fall morning for the annual student orientation in Eugene, Oregon on the banks of the McKenzie River. Our day together was filled with fun and meeting others from all over Oregon and parts of Washington. Half the group left bright and early for … Read More
How U.S. High School Can Prepare International Students
How U.S. High School Can Prepare International Students U.S. News & World Report L.P., Ohio, September 18, 2018 by Anayat Durrani / Contributor While at a U.S. high school, international students can sharpen their English and get familiar with American academic culture Growing up in Germany, Daniel Posmik says he always had a fascination with American culture and … Read More
Every day is a new challenge
Every day is a new challenge and an unforgettable experience at the same time! It’s been almost a month since I came to the US for an exchange semester, although it doesn’t really seem like it! The first few days were really strange. It was like waking up every morning to a new, different world you never knew about … Read More
Exchange students find homes
Exchange students find homes The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 03, 2018 by Chloe Cameron / author Local coordinator had life changed after becoming host family Like most other people, Jill Bonin used to look at a map and simply see the names of countries. That changed when she hosted her first exchange student. Looking at a … Read More
“now I get to call Alabama my home”
“now I get to call Alabama my home” My exchange year was an amazing journey… … and I want to say a huge THANKS to Aimee Vasko Lochrico and the whole family for having me as their own child this whole year and helping me whenever I needed it. I’m so glad I get to call you my second … Read More