I am so grateful to our friends for opening their hearts and their homes to our family (Testimonial from a host mom after she spent time in Norway and Germany visiting the natural parents of the students her family hosted.) “Ten years ago, and then seven years later, our family made the decisions to invite exchange students into our … Read More
Thankful for exchange program
Thankful for exchange program Pine Journal, Duluth, Minnesota, June 20, 2018 by Julia Elias Vilanova / ICES exchange student I am writing a thank-you letter to thank everyone who made this year the best year of my life. I am so thankful I had the opportunity for the exchange program. First, I want to thank all the people who … Read More
Should you host an exchange student? Yes! 100% Yes!
Should you host an exchange student? Yes! 100% Yes! (One of our Texas host mothers wanted to share her experience after taking her exchange student back to the airport.) Should you host an exchange student? Yes! 100% Yes! Even though I could never accurately describe what hosting a foreign exchange student was like. Nora has been our main focus … Read More
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened” I can’t believe it’s almost time to go home after this whole year in America. Happy to be going home, but extremely sad to be leaving my American friends and family, people that I have shared great moments and who are so special to me. I am so glad I … Read More
A relationship to last a lifetime
A relationship to last a lifetime “Having three young kids at the time, it was hard to imagine having room or energy for a long term guest. But my family and I decided to open up our home to Johanna from Germany and I am so glad we did! She quickly became a loved and cherished member of our … Read More
I’ve grown with every second that has passed
I’ve grown with every second that has passed Just a minute ago, I opened my suitcase, to pack up all of my stuff yet again. The feelings and thoughts running through my head in this very moment is completely indescribable. It’s the best, yet worst feeling… I had never in my wildest dream thought that I’d ever get so … Read More
These experiences shape who I am today
These experiences shape who I am today The most challenging task to me is the integration into a new culture after attending an American high school. As an international student, I have a burning desire to know the ways American people think and further immerse in the local life here. There were three steps I took to overcome this … Read More
My Exchange Year, USA 17/18
My Exchange Year, USA 17/18 Who I am and how I became an exchange student? I am Fabian from Germany and on August 2nd, 2017 I left my home country to spend my entire year of 11th grade in America. My family and I traveled a lot and I was always very interested in all the different people … Read More
I know that my exchange was better because of her
I know that my exchange was better because of her “She helped others, especially at the start of the year. I think every exchange student deserves someone their age who is so understanding, positive and such a great influence. I know that my exchange was better because of her!” Izzy, Australia 🇦🇺 ICES exchange student
Henning came from Germany with hopes to be on the track team
Henning came from Germany with hopes to be on the track team Henning came to small town Colorado after his host family’s past exchange student saw a post that Henning would like to be with a family that loved to run. Henning came from Germany with hopes to be on the track team. After an ankle fracture and surgery … Read More