Dear future guest Family,
I would like to introduce myself to you with this letter. First of all, I want to thank you with all my heart, that you give me the opportunity for an exchange year in the USA.
My name is Benedikt, I’m 15 years old and I’m in the 10th grade of a grammar school. I live on a former farm in a small village in Germany. I live there with my parents Iris and Martin and my 2 big brothers Joshua and Raphael. My brothers are twins and are 22 years old. My grandparents Jens and Edeltraut also live with us on this former farm.
My journey to school is a bit longer. I take the bus and the train and then walk a bit more. So I learned early to be independent and flexible. My aunt lives in another village near us. I’ve had very close contact with her since I was born. My other grandma also lives near me. I have close contact with her too. Family is very important to me. Being there for each other.
In addition to my family, my friends are also an important part of my life. I’ve known my best friend since kindergarten. I know my other close friends from school. We spend a lot of time together.
After school, I go straight to the gym because it’s in the same part of town as the school. I also deliver newspapers in my village every Saturday. I enjoy that because I get to meet people from my village who I don’t normally see that often.
At my school, 2 students reported on their year abroad. This sparked my interest in a year at school abroad. I approached my parents at home and we started planning together. I quickly decided on the USA and can hardly wait to get to know your country. I am particularly looking forward to getting to know and experiencing your culture. I am looking forward to the school life in a high school to experience the difference between our school system and the American school system. I am also looking forward to meeting new people, making friends and bonding with your family.