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16, Male Student ID: 248ABCITA017JYM Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



My name is Carlo and I live in Itlay. I am a guy who likes to have new experiences, see, explore and get to know new places, situations, cultures and above all people, in fact I am very sociable and with a great desire to explore and travel. I consider family a home and where I feel at home I feel at east, I feel myself, free to open up and free of shame. The people closest to me consider me very responsible and also a person who can be trusted, in fact when my friends need comfort they turn to me. I am very imaginative and creative and I really like to watch movies and TV series, especially in company, in fact I often go to the cinema with my mother and my brothers or with my friends. In addition to going to the cinema, one thing I like to do with friends is to play board games and even if I lose I don’t get discouraged but I see the positive side, which is to have had a good time of fun with the people I care about most. I am very ambitious, and when I set myself a goal, I do everything I can to achieve it. Sometimes I’m shy, but it’s easy for me to talk to people, in fact as I start talking to someone my initial shyness vanishes. I am very inclusive, in fact I would never let someone feel excluded, as I see a person not feeling comfortable I do everything to help him, I would never accept that someone excluded someone else. I am also very empathetic and sometimes sensitive. My friends sometimes think I’m touchy, but they say that’s because I am sensitive and that this is a virtue in me. My family says I always aspire high and they say this is a quality that not many have. I spend my free time with my friends or with family or in the gym. I go the gym regularly because I have goals and as I said before I’m ambitious and so I’m trying to achieve them, and that’s why it’s important to me. I only hang out with friends or go to they gym when I’m not studying, even if studying takes up most of my time as I go to a demanding school and I am interested in doing well in every subject. Despite this, I always have time for my family. Sometimes, however, I spend part of my free time relaxing from the constant study. I have a great relationship with my family, in fact there is a lot of communication between me and my mother, and for me she is the most important person in my life. I joke a lot with my father and I love him a lot, as I also love my brother who is younger than me, and has a character very similar to that of my father, playful and lively. On the other hand, there is much more communication with my older sister than I have with my younger brother because she and I went to the same school until last year and so I am living all these experiences that she has already lives and that I therefore share with her. I also often spend time with my brother, especially watching movies, and I love him as much as I love my sister. For me, in fact it is very important to have good relationships with the people close to me. At home I usually give my contribution by setting the table and clearing the table and arranging everything in my room such as make the bed, arranging my things and clothes. Another important thing for me is to live in a place with an open mind and that does not judge and that has no prejudices because if this were missing I could be conditioned by the weight of having to appear in a certain way of behaving differently from my way of being, in fact home for me is a place where you can feel yourself and these values should never be absent. I also like to explore new places, in face the thing I love most of all is traveling, even if I have never traveled much, but knowing that outside my door there is a world full of experiences intrigues me. This is one of the many reasons that pushes me to want to face this experience. There are many reasons and perhaps this is one of those to which I give less importance. In fact, I don’t want to embark on this journey just to satiate my desire to have new experiences, but I also want to do it to get to know myself. I’m of the opinion that hyou can’t fully know yourself in you don’t have a certain type of experience, and this is one of those that helps you with that. Being so far away from the people you love, from your home, from your routine, helps you grow, because you begin to face certain emotions and situations that by staying in your comfort zone you will never have to face. In this experience there will certainly be moments of nostalgia, loneliness, and resentment, fleeting moments that you overcome with people who will be next to you. There will be times when I’ll just be thinking and understand a lot of things. I’m going to start to miss the things I care about the most. I will be able to understand what and who I care about the most. I will open my horizons. I’m going to open my mind. I will be subjected to new stimuli, completely different from those I am used to. And maybe I’ll finally understand what I want to do with my life, because I still don’t know what I want to do, and I’m sure that staying in the city where I live here in Italy, I’ll never be able to to understand it, since it’s a place that doesn’t give stimuli and that is very closed, and living an experience outside of here I might finally be able to understand what I really like, and turn my life around. The city where I live subjects me every day to the same routine, the same experiences and the same emotions, a unique monotony, in which I don’t live the life I would like for myself. I’m happy and I can’t deny that, but this happiness is only given to me by the people I love. My life here remains a monotonous life and breaking this monotony will do me good. In this experience I would be able to try things that I will never be able to experience again my life, because it is a unique opportunity that will never happen to me again. I’m definitely going to have mixed emotions. “Will I be happy, cheerful, energetic, carefree, enthusiastic? Will I be nostalgic, sometimes sad, sometimes feel resentment and even loneliness?” I don’t know and right now I don’t know what emotions I’m going to feel. But I know one thing: whatever I try, ugly or beautiful, will make me grow. An experience of this kind is made of ups and downs, and above all I will not face it alone, and the thought that I will have people next to me who will love me and who will help me when I need it, like a second family, reassures me. In fact, in case of need I always go to talk about it with my family, such as for a school problem or a problem with my friends or even for any uncertainty of any kind. Regarding school, my parents give me a lot of freedom, they consider me very responsible and able to handle any situation, even the most difficult ones, they trust me and give me advice. I’m proud of this and I’m very happy with this scholastic approach that they grant me. In fact, I do well at school and often even my classmates ask me for advice. I consider school very important and I am very sorry to think that in a few years everything will be over, because school , in addition to training you and making you a more cultured person, contains the most beautiful memories and the most beautiful moments. I also have a great relationship with my class and all my best friends are in it, in face we have a beautiful class relationship. I don’t have any favorite subjects, but I can admit that I really like literature, mathematics, art, physical education, geography, and biology. The fact that I like so many very different subjects makes it more difficult for me to understand which discipline is the one I would like to continue studying after school, but I am sure that by having this experience, becoming part of a new school community, discovering new subjects and changing the approach with the ones I like the most I will be able to understand what my path is. To conclude, I would just like to say that from this program I expect to spend a year of my life that I will never forget, together with people who love me and that I will never forget and I will keep it as one of the best memories. That is the desire I hope to achieve with this program.

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