Flag of Poland


16, Male Student ID: 248PERPOL020JYM Poland

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Table Tennis


My name is Caesar, and I would like to share some information about my family with you. We live in Poland, where I reside with my mom, dad, sister, her boyfriend, and two dogs. We spend our time very actively, often traveling around Europe and countries beyond. Once I’ve visited my auntie who lives in Chicago and it was exciting experience. We frequently visit Germany since my sister’s boyfriend is not Polish.I communicate with him in English, and we also work out together at the gym. My parents and I are also into sports and enjoy extreme challenges. I remember a night when my dad and I hiked 25 miles in the forest and around the city as a challenge. It wasn’t easy, but we managed. Currently, my sister doesn’t have much free time as she’s studying law, but when she does, we like to take a walk together with our dogs – a Samoyed and a Maltese. The Samoyed is an energetic bundle of joy who loves to play, while the Maltese is a calm oasis. Both dogs love each other and get along well.

As for my personality, I am definitely a perfectionist and a pessimist. I always strive to be good at what interests me and place great importance on it. However, my weakness is that I want to achieve success quickly, which unfortunately doesn’t always happen. I used to get more frustrated when things didn’t go my way, but over time, I realized that success takes time. I certainly try not to give up and pursue my dreams. Moving on to my interests and hobbies, I see my future in finance and investing. I don’t rule out starting a business one day if I have a good idea. I read a lot of books on investing and business, and one of my favorite authors is Peter Lynch, who is an investor and mutual fund manager. I really like his approach to investing. In addition to that, I play chess, and I used to learn to play the piano. I train boxing, although I’m not very dedicated to it. I would love to be, but, as I have a lot of schoolwork, sometimes I have to skip training. My favorite food is Asian, probably because I enjoy spicy food and eating a lot of meat.

From this trip, I would like to improve my English and learn more about American culture. I am fascinated by it because I believe the USA is an open-minded country, just like me. I aspire to live there one day, specifically in New York, as it is the “capital” of investors. I don’t want to provide any preferences, but if I have to, besides spending time actively, I also enjoy using computer games to relax. Also, I am a night owl, so if you don’t mind, I like spending time on the computer late evenings on weekends, maintaining silence, of course.

Thanks for getting to know me and my family in Poland. I’m eager to learn more about you and your experiences. I’m excited to continue our conversation.

Kind regards,


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