Flag of Spain


15, Female Student ID: 248TLTESP007JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Martial Arts


Dear future host family,

First of all I would like to thank you for the time that you are spending reading my letter. I really appreciate it.

I am Cruz. I am fifteen years old and I am from a little town in Spain, however I live in the small city next door.

If everything goes as expected in the next school year, I will be an exchange student in the United States of America and I would like you to be my host family.

Here in Spain most of the time I live with my brother and my mum although I sometimes go to my father’s house where we are also three, my brother, my father and me. As you probably have deduced my parents are going through a divorce.

Each one of them has its own qualities and I would like you to get to know them. My brother Salva is very energetic, he is always running around the house! My mum Blanca encourages me to try new foods and to experience other lifestyles in other countries such as USA! Finally, my father, who is a very athletic and competitive person.

Speaking about me, well, what can I say, I am a very curious person who loves to learn new things about every subject, even though I especially like learning about culture, history and languages.

I think I am good at unconsciously remembering small details of people’s lives, for example, I can recognize when someone is wearing a new piece of clothing that I have never seen before on them. I do not really know if this ability is useful neither if it will be in the future, but I think it is quite unique and rare.

But not everything about me is sunshine and flowers, as a person, I am not perfect, and my biggest weakness is that I tend to leave things for last minute but I am already improving so to become more organized.

I think I am a good candidate for the program because, as I said before, I love to learn about culture, history and languages and in the USA, I pretend to do the same. Furthermore, I hope to become one of you, and more importantly, one more member of the family.

Moreover, I love to do sports like judo, yoga, contemporary dance and flamenco dance, a Spanish traditional dance, all of them I do them as extracurricular activities after class. I also love to try new sports, as skiing, snorkeling, ice skating… Even though I go more slowly than the rest of my classmates because I am very prudent, but that does not mean that I cannot reach the same level as the others.

In the weekends I habitually hangout with my friends, either to go bowling, to go shopping, to have dinner at a restaurant, or just to casually chat! We usually improvise our plans because what matters to us is being together.
When I am not with my mates, I am with my family. We normally go for a walk in the mountains, except when it is summer, then, we prefer to go to the beach.

I am highly grateful for the time you have spent reading this letter and I am very much looking forward to hear from you!

Yours faithfully, Cruz

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