Flag of Spain


16, Male Student ID: 248TLTESP053JYM Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Video Games


Dear host family,
My name is David. I live with my mother, my father, my brother and my dog Lacty. When I am with them, I like playing board games, doing any sport or just talking to them. I’m also glad that we go to some trips together from time to time to see new places and create memories.
Talking about my personality, I am an extroverted person who enjoys being with his friends. I am also hard-working and I am determined to achieve my goals, and although these might be difficult from time to time I won’t give up until I’ve reached my objectives. When it comes to my interests, the first thing that comes to my mind is doing “ludosport”, a sport based on lightsaber battles which is my favorite hobby. In addition, I also like playing videogames, hanging out with friends and playing the bass guitar: in fact, I have performed in a couple of local concerts. If I had to choose some favorite foods, I’d definitely say the dishes I like the most are pepperoni pizza or stakes, but a controversial opinion that I have is that I really like lettuce (only if it has lemon on it).
I am very grateful to have the chance to take part in this experience, and I hope to gain lots of things from it. First of all, it is a challenge for me to go to another country for a year and see how I can do it. Furthermore, I’m also extremely interested in learning about other places’ cultures, so living a day-to-day life in the United States would be something I’d definitely enjoy. In addition, I’d also really like meeting new people and making new friends that I can keep even after I’m back in Spain.
I don’t really have a specific preference towards my placement, I just hope to stay with a friendly family in which I can feel at home even if I am very far away from my own country. Although I already said it before, it’s worth pointing out once more how happy I am to have a chance to go to America: I’m looking forward to see how things go there!
Kind regards,
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