Flag of Finland


16, Female Student ID: 258MIRFIN011JYF Finland

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



Hi! First of all I’m thankful you’ve chosen to read my letter and I hope you’ll find it great and interesting.

I’m Enni, a soon-to-be sixteen-year-old girl from Finland. My family has six members; my dad, mom, two older sisters Meri and Riia, Riia’s boyfriend and of course me. I live together with my parents in a small town which is located in the South-Western part of Finland. My oldest sister lives about 70 miles away from here. My other sister lives in the same town as us with her boyfriend. Our family spends time together a couple times a week and usually we gather in to our house to watch TV together and just chat about things. My sister Meri comes for a visit about five times a year and when she’s here we do the same things as usual. Family is one of the greatest things I value and appreciate.

When it comes to my personality I think I’m overall pretty nice individual. I am outgoing, very humorous, quite independent, fair, decisive and smart. My strengths are my social skills, confidence, logical thinking and I’m strong minded. My biggest weaknesses are overthinking, the way sometimes I get disappointed when things don’t work my way and getting outside of my comfort zone. On my freetime I like to spend time with my friends and I meet them multiple times a week. Usually we hang out in one of us’s house but sometimes go to a mall or a restaurant. I play floorball in two teams in two different clubs. I love the sport and I have played it over seven years. I also belong to our town’s youth parliament which is a great way to influence on young people’s things in your own town.

There are also many other things I like and am interested about. I love fashion and makeup. I always follow the latest trends and often make new purchases. I listen to music multiple hours a day. I mostly listen to pop, Finnish rap, rock and metal. Also at school I play a bass guitar. Round the year I follow lots of sports but mostly Ice hockey, soccer and track and field. Sometimes I go watch sports live. Our family’s tradition is travelling. We have travelled in over 10 countries all over the world which has taught me a lot about different cultures, ways of living, politics and other things I value or find important in life. Our travels have given me also much what it comes to food. I’ve fell in love with tex-mex food like tacos and different chilis. I also approve a good pasta and spicy food overall. My favorite holiday is Christmas but not in a religious way, I just like Christmas movies and songs. Other holiday I like is Finnish Midsummer because it’s warm, people are very happy and eat great food. During my exchange year I’d like to do things with my host-family that I find pleasant and do and try things my family likes because I think that’s a good way to get closer with each other.

What I hope to gain from this experience is of course my English level increasing but there’s more than that. I think this is a great way to learn new things about myself, get more independent, grow as a person, learn new skills and try things that aren’t possible back at home. I also hope I make long-lasting relationships with people and memories that will stay with me for my whole life. I really just want people around me that make me feel comfortable and have the same interests/values. Everything else can just happen the way they will because I believe things happen the way that they are meant to and there’s a bright side to everything.

Hopefully you will find a suitable exchange student and if you’d consider me it would be even better. Lastly I want to thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I hope it was for your mind.

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