Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 248KWDDEU050JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Drama or Theater
Family Activities
Football (Soccer)


Dear host family,
first I just want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my dream of spending a year in the US.
I live in Germany with my mum, my dad, my sister and our dog. We adopted our dog 3 years ago from Romania. We live in a pretty small town in northern Germany. Almost everything I do after school is sports. I play soccer or go to the gym. I also like football and look forward to it every Sunday. My favorite team are the Eagles.
I enjoy spending time with my friends after school or on the weekends. We like playing soccer and basketball together. During winter we like staying inside and play video games or board games together.
One of the main reasons I want to spend a year in the US is that I want to get out of my comfort zone. I want to learn to adapt to a completely new environment. Improving my English is a big reason as well. Moreover I want to improve my people skills.
I am super excited to make new friends and stay in contact with them even after my american school year. I can’t wait to experience the American high school life!
When i think about the year in the US I’m the most excited to experience a new culture. I’m also looking forward to live in a new city or town and make new experiences. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and make new friends.
I am looking forward to spending time with my future host family as well. I am sure we will get along well as I am willing to stay in good contact.
I’m looking forward to share the following year with you. I’m sure it is going to be exciting!
Best regards
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