Flag of Italy


16, Male Student ID: 258ZAVITA006JYM Italy

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



Dear Host Family,

I am a sixteen-year-old boy, and I live in a small town in southern Italy. The summers here are very hot, while the winters are mild. I love my hometown because it is in a wonderful location between the sea and the mountains. In just 15 minutes by car, I can take a refreshing swim in the sea or enjoy the tranquility of nature and the sounds of birds in the mountains.

Let me tell you about my family. My father is 53 years old and owns a grocery store. My mother is 52 and owns a bookstore, guided by her love of reading. Although I am an only child, I have always dreamed of having siblings with whom I can talk, play, and study together. I like spending time with children because they remind me of my childhood, and spending time with them always makes me smile.

I attend a computer science institute, where I study both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer science, a subject that I find fascinating. In addition to computer science, I also study subjects such as algebra, Italian literature, English, history, and physical education.

In my free time, I love playing sports and staying active. Basketball is my passion; I currently play four times a week with my team, and when I have the chance, I train alone. There is nothing more relaxing for me than the sound of the ball while I dribble. I have been playing basketball for six years. I also go to the gym, where I have developed a strong interest in fitness over the past two years. I have also played soccer for six years, and I still enjoy it. Every Sunday, I play matches with my friends.

I have a deep love for animals. Every day, I go to my horse stable, where I take care of my two horses named Bianca and Libero, her son. I also have a Rottweiler, some chickens, and my cats. I feed them all and make sure they are well cared for.

Since my parents work late, I often cook dinner so they have a meal ready when they get home. Over the past few months, I have improved my cooking skills. My favorite dishes are pizza, pasta with ragù, and lasagna, and I can’t wait to share these dishes with my host family!

I asked my friends to describe me, and they said that I am kind, cheerful, friendly, sensitive, and a little eccentric (in a funny way). I haven’t traveled much yet,and living in a small town means I don’t often get in touch with new cultures. However, after a recent trip to Milan, I realized that there is so much more to life than my hometown: so many new people to meet, cultures to experience, and places to explore.

During my time with you, I hope to become a part of your family. I also hope that this experience is amazing for both you and me.

Thank you!

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