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16, Female Student ID: 248KWDDEU014JYF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



Dear future host family,

My name is Giulia, right now l’ m 15 years old but I will be 16 in 2024 for the program.

Together with my Mum l live in an apartment. Idon’t have any sibling or a dad.

I want to go to America because I wanted to be there sometime since I was 3. I’m very interested to find to new friends in general.

If I have to describe myself I would say that l’ m a trustful, kind and sometimes messy person. I think my communication skills are quite good because of my hobby, but I will talk about this later. Now my friends, my are very important to me, two of them I knew since kindergarten the others since middle-school. My Friends from hockey I knew for 2-7 years, so some of them I knew longer then others.

My school performance is ok to good and my favourite subjects are geography, Spanish, english and history. I just like it to know more about different countries, religions and their History. I’m very interested in other languages.

In my free-time I read often, especially horror or love drama. But the most time I’m listening to music and my favourite artists and bands are Queen, Harry Styles, Eminem, Arctic Monkeys, Abba, Lana del Rey, the Weeknd and many more. But I never was on a concert from one of them I also love baking and cooking. Mostly I bake or cook cookies, muffins and pasta.

But the most time I play field· or indoor, it depends if it’s summer or winter. I prefer the field, because I feel kinda free and the vibe is better.

I play Hockey since 2016 and because of this sport I found a lot of friends.

My team where I play is good.

Maybe you know the Untied World Games (UWG). It is a competition where different teams fight against each other. We always were place 1,2 or 3 and that is really great.

UWG not only have Hockey, there are different sports like soccer, football and many more. But I will talk about my team again. Because we have to play against other team. I get close to people from those teams.

Besides I also love plant and animals. I have a little budgie with the name Tweety and a lot of plants.

When l’ m going to America I want to make my drivers license. Right know I make my license for my Moped. A Moped is smaller, slower and older than a motorcycle.

I hope you liked my Letter.


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