Newcomb Central School District

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Newcomb Central School District has approximately 60 students in grades K-12. If there is one thing that makes Newcomb Central School standout it is our family-like atmosphere which is extremely safe. In a town of 425, people know each other, but more importantly, are there to help and support each other. Small town and school equate to becoming such an integral part of the Newcomb family.

School Type:
  • Public High School
State: New York
City: Newcomb
Affiliation: Non-Religious
Grades Accepted:
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
School Size: 60
Average Class Size: 8
Student Body:
  • Co-ed
Program Duration:
  • Full Academic Year
Application Deadline: August
  • No
Dresscode: Dress Code Required
Price: $
Graduation Allowed:
  • Yes
Graduation After 1 Year:
  • Yes

Must pass all required NYS course plus NYS Regents exams.

AP Classes:
  • No
College Prep/Honors Classes:
  • Yes

Science, Math, English, Social Studies

IB Program:
  • No
  • Yes

This is a requirement for all students attending Newcomb. All students will participate in a STEAM course 1x week. It is a pass/fail course.

Graduation Rate: 100
College Acceptance Rate: 100
University Acceptances:

Partial list: Boston University, Cornell University, Cazenovia College, Syracuse University, Adelphi University

Newcomb Central School District is known as a school of distinction. Our college preparatory curriculum leads to success in college and careers.

Boys Sports:
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Soccer
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Flag Football
Girls Sports:
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Flag Football
Arts Offerings:

Students have option to participate in a theatrical performance during the Spring Semester

Extra Curricular

1x week students choose to participate in a quarterly club. This changes 4x/year. Activities can include archery, cards, gaming, hiking, trivia, creative writing, baking/cooking.

Community Information
City Population: 409
Weather: Summers are usually pleasant and mild, with temperatures rarely getting too hot or too cold. Winters usually bring plenty of snow thanks to the lake effect from Lake George, along with some colder temperatures.
Nearby Cities: Albany, New York (180 km)
Nearest Airport: The nearest airport is Adirondack Regional Airport (SLK). This airport has domestic flights from Saranac Lake, New York. Another major airport is Plattsburgh International Airport (PBG) and Burlington International Airport (BTV).
Local Attractions:

Santanoni Preserve, Natura Stone Bridge and Caves, Adirondac Rafting Co., Upper Works Trailhead, Adirondack Interpretive Center at SUNY

The Adirondack Park, located in northern New York, is one of the most unique places in the world. It is an international model of the perfect balance between human and natural communities. It is also the largest park in the continental United States. Newcomb, in the heart of the Adirondacks, provides all that nature has to offer including hiking, canoeing, kayaking, water skiing and tubing, white water rafting, snowshoeing, hunting, fishing, golfing, camping, skiing and snowboarding, snowmobiling, four wheeling, and last but not least, unmatched beauty. This is the home of Newcomb Central School.

3533 New York State Route 28N, Long Lake, NY, New York, USA 12852