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Hin Hei (Eric)

17, Male Student ID: 258CLCHKG001JYM Hong Kong

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

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LETTER FROM Hin Hei (Eric)

Hin Hei (Eric)

Dear future Host Family,

Hello! I am thrilled to be able to join this exchange program and have the opportunity to spend a year with you, and I cannot wait to introduce myself to you.

Let me start by giving you some insider information on my family. We are a family of four, including me, my dad, my mom, and my older brother who is a fitness instructor. We are a really tight-knit bunch and try to have family dinners together as much as possible. Nothing too crazy, but we get along great. During our dinner together, we share with each other about what happened in our day, and my older brother usually have some interesting stories about his clients at the gym. They are all very supportive of me participating in this exchange program and I am very grateful for them.

As for me, I might seem a bit shy at first but just give me a little time to warm up and you will soon find out I am a chatterbox, haha! I love going out and taking photos and do cinematography around the city, it is one of my biggest hobbies! I am also really into Lego robotics and did well at a major Asia-Pacific competition last year, winning the championship title. When I am not out shooting films or building robots, you will usually find me jamming on the bass, especially along to some American classic tunes from the 1980s to 2000s. I love playing the guitar and the bass because I find it very relaxing, and music can allow me to express my feelings in a form of art.

The main reason I wanted to do this exchange program in the US is because Hong Kong’s education system just was not working for me. They teach us the answers, but not the reasons behind them, so it kills any creativity or curiosity. It is all just memorization. I am hoping through this exchange program I can genuinely learn in a meaningful way. Also, I have always had a big appreciation for Western culture – the food, music, movies, you name it. Experiencing it first-hand is a dream of mine for a long time! But most importantly, I am most excited about having the opportunity to share my culture with my future host family, while also learning theirs. I think this is the most meaningful aspect of this exchange program, allowing for people with different cultures and backgrounds to come together and achieve one goal together, and that is to share and appreciate one another. So, these are the reasons why I want to join this program!

Thank you so much,


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