Flag of Brazil


16, Female Student ID: 248GXIBRA007JYF Brazil

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!



Dear Host Family,

My name is Julia, and I am 15 years old. I live in a small city that is 200 miles from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I live with my parents, Juciara and Márcio. My mother works from home and also takes care of our family and house, so we spend a lot of time together. We are a close-knit family, and she supports me and my brother in everything we need. My father works for an oilfield company. He is a smart person and very dedicated to our family. My younger brother’s name is Gabriel; he is 14 years old and loves basketball. We have an awesome relationship; we play and do things together all the time. I have happy memories with my brother, one of them being when we were six years old and took a bike ride.

I study at a private, Catholic and traditional school, which focuses on preparing students for acceptance into good universities. I have friends at school, and we spend most of our time together. We play handball, talk, and laugh. I love spending time with my friends.

I enjoy listening to music and hanging out with my friends. We usually go to the beach, local places like restaurants, lakes, friends’ houses, barbecues, or simply stay and talk about everything. We love going to the movies and shopping for food or having ice cream. Typically, we go to each other’s houses to talk, watch movies, and sometimes have sleepovers. I love animals; I have ten cats and one little dog.

Our family loves to travel; we have already visited the USA, Chile, and many cities in Brazil. In 2019, my brothers and I went to a Summer Camp in Scotland. I’ve been to Disney Park when I was a little girl, and it is my plan to go again as I don’t remember much.

I go to the gym for fitness training a couple of times during the week. Once a year, we visit my grandmother’s house in São Paulo, the neighboring state to Rio de Janeiro. She loves to cook for us and give us gifts. I can cook as well, but only specific foods, such as pasta, rice, eggs, and brigadeiro, nothing less than a delicious Brazilian dessert.

I want to participate in the exchange program not only to improve my English but also to experience a new culture, make friends, and visit exciting places. I think it’s an amazing opportunity for me to develop and become more independent. I hope we can have an amazing time together while I’m there. I would like to finish this letter by thanking you for choosing me and welcoming me into your home.

Best wishes,

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