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15, Male Student ID: 248LGUBRA001JYM Brazil

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Church Activities or Clubs
Football (Soccer)


My name is Kalil, I m 15 years old. My familiy is made up by my mom (48), my dad(49)and my stepmother(35). My relationship with my dad it’s good, we like to play basketball, watch sports and movies, listen to music in the car, I have a job that I work with him, we usually have good laughs together.

My relationship with my mom with mom it’s great, she argue sometimes, but it’s all good. She is really kind, worry and lovely with me. We watch series and movies together.
My relationship with my stepmother it’s fine, we don’t see each other really often, but when I with her and my dad we have fun. I get up in the week at 6 am, I have breakfast and I go to school at 6:40 or 6:50.

My mom drives me in the for days of the week to school. I go to school with my dad e very friday, because I sleep there on thursdays. At school I have a good relationship with the teacher and I do very well in the classes.
The best thing of school to me is to interact with my friends, playing soocer, basketball or just talking. After class i come home, after I have lunch. In the afternoon, most of the days I have a nap, before I start doing my homework.

After my obligations I go to the gym, I play basketball or I just do nothing. In mondays afternoons I have classes all day. In fridays I stay at school to be volunteer in confirmation monitoring. At mondays and wedndays I have english classes at 6 pm. I like hot weather, I like to hang out with my friends but,I also enjoy staying at Home . I love sports, so I really like to exercise.

I´m a really quiet and serious guy, in most of the time, but when I already know well someone, I start being more happy and talkative. I have no problem to be alone I actually like it sometimes. At home I enjoy cooking sometimes, but most of the time i like to relax watching tv.

I have no problem to help with domestic jobs. I really don’t have a favourite food I like to have a health food and pizza or hamburger once or twice a week. I hate to get up early in the weekends and in the week I stay i little irritated when I wake up. I chose to have this experience, because I want to live something new and learn a lot with it, trying to understand what I want for my professional and personal life.

I like to have a fit life most of the time with health food and I exercises. At home I m responsible to wash all the dishes so I can win allowance every month. I also have two dogs. When I m with my dad I go every sunday have lunch with my grandmother. And I like to go to the beach once or twice a year.

Hope to meet you soon,

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