Flag of Germany


16, Female Student ID: 248SIGDEU106JSF Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Family Activities


Dear host family,

In this letter I would like to introduce myself and my family briefly.

My family consists of my mother, my father, my sister and I. My sister is only 2 years older than me and we are very close. I love spending time with her. We like to bake together, for example cakes for all kinds of occasions. We both play handball so we spend also a lot of time together in the gym in our spare time. I can always talk to my sister about everything and I couldn’t imagine a life without her. With my father, I love standing in the kitchen and cooking. My father is a very good cook. I have learned many new recipes and dishes from him, including from his native Ivory Coast.My mother is one of the most important people in life. She’s always there for me when I need her. I love travelling with my family. We like to do city trips where we go to museums or just watch some sightseeing attractions of the city.

I’m more of a reserved person at first. Nevertheless, it is not difficult for me to make contacts. I’m a very athletic and open minded person and can adapt well to new situations. My strengths are helpfulness, friendliness and reliability. My friends and family can always count on me. I’m not the most patient person, which is one of my weaknesses. Another weakness is that I find it hard to decide on several options.

I play handball and I do gymnastics in a club.I love learning new things in training and spending time with my friends. I am also a coach for small children in gymnastics and handball. It is a lot of fun to work with children and teach them new things. Other hobbies of mine are cooking and baking. In my spare time, I like to spend time with friends or my family. In winter I love to go ice skating or skiing and in summer I really like to play basketball or have picnics with my friends. But I also like quiet, relaxed evenings. Just spending time with my friends, watching a movie or playing something together. I love to play board games like Monopoly. For a game night with friends or family I am always ready.

Actually I like to eat almost everything but some of my favorite foods are pizza, different salad or scrambled eggs. My favorite family tradition is that my whole family, from my mother’s side, celebrates Christmas and Easter at my grandmother’s house every year. This has been like this since I can think of it. Despite the death of my grandmother two years ago, we continue this tradition and celebrate the holidays in her house, which now belongs to my uncle.

I hope I will be able to gain many new experiences and get to know a new culture. I also hope to meet a lot of new people and make some new friends. Of course I am also looking forward to the time with my host family. I hope I can also contribute myself in that I help in the household, cook German dishes or talk about Germany.

I would like to thank my future host family for making my stay abroad possible.

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