Flag of Germany


16, Male Student ID: 248DIEDEU009JYM Germany

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Family Activities


Dear future host family,

I am Lajos, a 15 year old student from Germany. My nickname is Yosh, due to the fact that the j is pronounced as a y and the s at the end of my name is pronounced as a sh, because Lajos is a Hungarian name.
I currently live in a city which has 650.000 residents and in which you can find graffiti everywhere, which is really cool for me, because I love almost everything connected with streetart. I taught myself different graffiti artstyles, because it fascinates me, how someone can make simple lettering look that good and versatile. Music is another passion of mine, especially rap. One of my all-time favorite artists is XXXTentacion. I am mesmerized by his incredible style and his ability not only to rap, but to sing too. Though I have been taking acting classes since I was around six years old, I am not a movie buff. Still there are movies that deeply impress me, for example the French movie “La Haine” or “Get Out”. Besides listening to music or improving my graffiti skills, I regularly go to the gym to work out. I’ve always loved almost any sport and I want to be flexible and keep in shape. I used to breakdance for three and a half years and still enjoy dancing. Unsurprisingly, my favorite subject in school is of course PE. On top of that I like biology, history and art lessons.

My parents and I live in a multi-family house with eight other people on the other floors. These eight other people consist of my aunt, my uncle, my two cousins and four other friends. One thing I absolutely love about our house is the garden. Me and one of my best friends since childhood always used to play many different games in the garden and used to also build cool stuff in it, like a bike ramp or a little climbing park in the trees.
I don’t know yet what I want to work in the future, although I’m pretty sure it will be something connected to creativity or art. I’ve always been a more extroverted person, which helps finding new friends, but my circle of friends isn’t really big. I’d say, I have like 4-5 close friends. While for many people a pet could be a close friend, I never had any, which isn’t sad, but sometimes I wished for a little cat. Unfortunately my mother has a cat hair allergy.
Talking about my mother, she works as a professor at our University, specializing in theater studies. My father works as a Marketing Manager at an Advertising Agency. Because they both often have to work really long hours, I support them by doing some chores around the house, like taking out the trash or doing the dishwasher. Sometimes, when the weather is really good my parents and me go on little bike tours together.

What I really like about American High Schools is that most of them have their own sports teams for basketball etc. Another thing I find fascinating is how much bigger many of the schools are, compared to average German schools. It is really cool how many different activities and clubs one school sometimes offers. I also want to come to the US because it is the origin country of breakdance and hip hop. I am really looking forward to make a couple of new friends and improve my English skills. I will also try to get involved with the many cultures that are in the US, because of the many different ethnicities.

Thank you, dear future host family, for this great opportunity.
I am excited and I look forward to meeting you!
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