Flag of Spain


16, Female Student ID: 248TLTESP029JYF Spain

The rewards of hosting are many, your family will learn and grow with the experience as you build a life-long relationship!

Band and Orchestra
Choir or Singing
Drama or Theater


Hello, My name is Laura.
I live with my parents and my little brother. I don’t have any pets though I would love to have a dog, but there is no room for it. I spend a lot of time with my family, because I usually just stay home. We have movie nights or sometimes we have game nights playing board games. We also go a lot to visit my grandparents.
I am a happy, honest, intelligent, responsible, creative and prudent person. When I propose something to myself I keep on trying until I achieve it. I am hard-working and independent. Sometimes, when meeting people for the first time, I can be a bit shy.
I love reading, it’s my favourite hobby. I also like to draw and I play the flute and the violin. The sports I like are roller skating and ice skating, although I don’t really practice them that much. Some of my favourite foods are Spanish Omelet, paella, fish, cheese pizza, rice and pasta. My favourite holiday is Christmas. The thing I like about it is how we go to all my family’s homes and celebrate there Christmas day and New Year’s Eve with all of them. The “family tradition” I like most is when my mom has a day off every 22nd May. We go to this really cool route in which we follow the river’s path up into the mountains where it springs. It’s gorgeous and I love the little walk through nature we do every year.
During this academic year I hope to become a more independent person, learn more English and to be able to fully adapt to the new environment in which I’m going to find myself in. I also hope to be able to learn about your culture as much as I can, too.
I’m semi-vegetarian (pescatarian) in my diet because I think this is more careful to farm animals, the planet and my own health. I can live with any family with another diet as long as they allow me my kind of feeding. Please take into account that I don’t eat any meat at all. I can eat eggs, cheese and other dairy, fish and every kind of meal as long as no meat farm animals in them. I could adapt to vegan diet too in case the family was vegan.

I would like to live with a family that, while I’m there, I feel as though I am truly part of it and in which everybody communicates with the others and talk their problems or whatever one needs to.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
All the best,
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